Monday, October 19, 2009

Bumper Sticker of the Week

Last week was a bumper sticker-less week.  I didn't see ONE sticker that was blogworthy.  This morning my luck changed.

I'm not a fan of bumper stickers.  Period.  I hate them all.  Well, except the breast cancer awareness ones that say "save the tatas."  And I once saw one of those ribbon magnets on a car that said "Support the Strippers.  They're people too."  Those two are funny.  The first one is funny just because it uses the word "tatas."  The second one because that magnetic ribbon is so annoying that someone needed to mock it.

Anyhoo, I'm even less of a fan of bumper stickers that begin with "If you can read this..."  Because why the HELL would you put a bumper sticker on your car with words on it if you didn't want people to read it??

That being said, today's bumper sticker read:

If you can read this...
I'm not impressed.  Most people can read.


Well played, 1986 Toyota Celica.  Well played.

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