Where has the time gone?? My baby is 14 months old!!
So, miss Jayna is doing just fabulous. Here is Jayna in a nutshell (no, here she is in a nutshell, "Help mommy! I'm in a nutshell! Get me out! How did I get in here? It's very small you know." Sorry. Couldn't resist.):
- I say this everytime, but she has a million teeth. She now has both bottom cuspids (canines) and 5 molars. I believe that she is now cutting a couple more molars and/or her upper cuspids. And her behavior is reflecting this process. She now points to her mouth and screams and then tries to bite something whether it be her own hand, me, or a toy. Oh, and sometimes Oliver. Yes, he's a dog. My kid bites the dog.
- She is learning that she is allowed to have her own personality and that she has a choice in the matter. This is so awesome and soooo frustrating all at the same time. She tests the waters several times a day.
- This is the BIG ONE, people...NO MORE BOTTLES!!! Jayna now drinks only out of a cup. We began this process about 3 weeks ago because she just didn't want her bottle at bedtime anymore. So we just started letting her drink a little milk out of her sippy before bed. And ALREADY she is beginning to act like she doesn't want that either. Yippee!! No more bottles!!
- She is thinning out very quickly. She still wears size 18 months pants and 24 months shirts. This isn't a big change from 3 months ago. I will know her weight and height at the end of next month at her 15 month doc visit.
- She is beginning to repeat (in her own way) what we say. She atleast gets the first letter sound right.
- She sings along with music, but not in real words.
- Jayna goes from being Norwegian (her favorite word is something like goggenborgengloggendog) to being Spanish/Mexican (think that trilling noise that a mariachi singer makes).
- She can run...and she's pretty fast.
- Jayna has now learned how to back up and sit down on a chair. This was a HUGE feat for her. She tried for hours with multiple frustration fits before she got it. But once she got it, she got it.
- Her favorite toys are books. Just give her more books.
- She LOVES music. She even dances to things that aren't music, i.e. the phone ringing, the hum of a bulldozer's motor and car alarms.
- Elmo and Cookie Monster are her dearest friends.
- She knows the ASL signs for "more," "all done," and "thank you." We're working on help. She can also say the words "more" and "done" amongst all the other words she can say and understand.
- She can sort shapes and stack rings now. This one makes me so very proud. :)
Dancing with a Miami Indian drum circle while playing with a weed at the Indy Outdoor Experience
Jayna and daddy at the pumpkin patch
Jayna and mommy at the pumpkin patch
Dancing to the sound of a bulldozer's motor (did you think I was kidding?)
Reading Noisy Farm (that book is definitely named appropriately)
The cutest damn garden gnome you've EVER seen!! (at ZooBoo)
Zonked out in the car after ZooBoo (with her singing bear, of course)
And there's another month gone. Soon she'll be going to college...
She really is the cutest gnome ever! I love it!
LOVE the Gnome out fit-good choice.
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