Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Goings-On In Life

Lots.  Lots of things.  I can't keep things straight and I'm beginning to lose track of what day it is...

Here's a bulleted list for your convenience (because you all care so much)...
  • Last week I baked lots of goodies for a bake sale to raise money to send a friend's parents on an Alaskan cruise.  My friend, Leah's, dad has pancreatic cancer and she is trying to raise enough money to send him on his dream vacation.  I baked 2 dozen cupcakes and they all sold in 2 days!  I also made brownie cookies and popcorn bark.  I'm so proud of myself for lending a hand for a good cause.
  • A little over two weeks ago I began a hardcore diet.  I have lost 9 pounds.  NINE!!!!  I am proud of myself for this also...especially since the diet coincided with cupcake-baking.  I didn't eat ONE cupcake through all of that baking.  I also stopped drinking beer except on special occasions.  It's been difficult, but everytime I see the scale go down I know it's worth it.
  • Chris and I have been looking for a new house.  We haven't been really diligent about it, we just drive through neighborhoods we like and then do research on houses that look empty or are for sale.  There was a perfect house last week and when Chris called about it, it had been sold.  Note to realtors:  IF YOU SELL A HOUSE, TAKE THE G DARN SIGN OUT OF THE YARD.
  • Jayna is getting her 2-year molars and has been a mix between a perfect angel and a hellish nightmare.  All within hours of one another.  She is getting incredibly big and can do things like climb the ladder on our swingset and is learning her colors and such.  Pics will soon follow.
  • Last weekend we went to Louisville to celebrate the marriage of our good friends Mark and Charlotte.  We've known Mark for the better of 10 years and never thought we'd see the day!!  We also got to know a few other friends alot better and realized that we have lots in common.  If only we lived closer...
  • I missed Five for Friday last week, so be prepared for TWO installments tomorrow.  I know you can't wait!!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Kudos to you for 9 pounds. Way to go. I don't know how you resisted those cookies!!

The bake sale is doing wonderfully. We made about $400 give or take a little bit.