Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Jayna at 21 Months

I haven't really had time to even REFLECT on Jayna turning 1.75 until today...let alone write about it.  She actually turned 21 months old on Friday.  And the weird news is that I don't have all that much new stuff to tell you!!

Jayna is still babbling like a crazy person.  I think she speaks jive...like in the movie Airplane. 

I promise whatever she's saying sounds so close to it that I sometimes forget she's a small child and not an old woman translating for a stewardess.  (Oh yeah...that video is probably not so safe for work...)

She is getting tall and thin and is cute as ever.  She is developing her own little sense of sarcasm and humor.  She can remember things for days!!  We went to a birthday party for Layla on Saturday and just this morning Jayna says to me, "Uh oh.  Layda potty.  Happened?"  Translation:  "Hey, mom...remember Layla's party?  What happened to it?  Can we go back?"

She is obstinent and hard-headed at times and is cuddly and sweet at other times.  She's a normal kid!

She still loves to color and often requests crayons and paper no matter where we are...grocery store, restaurant, etc.  She's a little artist.  She is so proud of herself when she draws a heart all by herself.

She loves dolls.  She likes to change their diapers and dress them in her clothes. 

She likes movies.  Some of her favorites are Monsters, Inc. and Muppets from Space.

She loves to play in the water.  Last year we bought her a baby pool with sprinklers and such and we never got a chance to use it.  Well, this year she just loves it!!

And I'll leave you with a few photos...

Wearing Nana M's jewelry and eating crackers.  For the record, she can't really walk in those shoes but INSISTED on having them.

With her "bubby" (cousing Anthony).

"Wiping" her doll with a baby wipe.  Please take note that all the clothes are still on the doll...but she's wiping the right place!

Chillin' in her shades.

Playing in her pool.

Wondering why she can't "hold it."  The water, that is.

Just the cutest little girl who ever lived. :)

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