Thursday, January 20, 2011

Five for Friday: On Thursday

If there is one way that I know that Jayna is absolutely my child, it is the fact that she already argues with me.  Daily.  About things that canNOT and should NOT be argued about.  Here we go:
  1. This morning it was snowing when we left the house.  She says, "Mommy, it's raining."  I said, "No, it's snowing."  Her reply, "No, mommy, it's rain.  Snow is white.  This is rain."  Ugh.
  2. I was attempting to put her hair up today when I told her, "Stand still."  She proceeded to move EVERYTHING on her body except her feet.  When I told her that she wasn't holding still, she said, "You said stand still.  My feet not moving."  Got me there, I suppose.
  3. Last week at bedtime Jayna was acting like a maniac.  I told her, "Jayna, I'm losing my patience."  She says, "No you're not losing your patience mommy.  It's right there." And she pointed to my belly.  Apparently in the mind of a 2-year-old, your patience lies somewhere in your gut.
  4. One day I told her to stop running in the house because she may hurt herself.  She replied, "No I won't. You hurt yourself paying bills."  I was, in fact, paying bills, but I still didn't follow the logic there.  I'm pretty sure at this point that's a lost cause.
  5. And my favorite:  One night Jayna and I were having an argument about the fact that I thought she needed to go potty and she didn't want to go.  Well, when Jayna throws a fit, she pees.  Everytime.  She began to throw a fit, so I carried her into the bathroom, yanked down her pants and sat her on the potty.  And she peed.  I looked at her and told her, "When mommy asks you to do something, you DO it."  And then I turned to Chris who was standing outside the door and said, "I'm taking the power back."  Jayna replied, "No you not mommy.  You not take the power back. You can't find the power."  Again...she's probably right.  Geez.


Tiffany said...

I love blogs like this. Your kid is hilarious & only 2! Can't wait to see what comes as she gets older :)

Laura said...

hahahaha! that was a funny post. i love it.
layla is big into talking to us like we talk to her. you know, like telling us not to do something or whatever, then pausing and then saying, "Understand me?" and/or telling us we are going to go in time out if we don't do what she wants us to do.