Thursday, July 28, 2011

This is the Ear Story that never ends....

...yes, it goes on and on, my friends.
You can thank me for putting that song into your head at 3am when you're trying to sleep.

On Tuesday, Jayna had her most recent check-up on her ears.  She REALLY hates people screwing with her ears.  And who can blame her.  They've been screwing with her ears for 2.5 years now.

At the beginning of July, Jayna came down with an ear infection.  In fact, all three of us were sick at the same time and it was straight up HELL.  Trying to take care of a sick kid when both parents are sick is some sort of sick joke that the universe plays on you.  And it's just not funny.

I took her to the doctor because I thought she may have a sinus infection.  She was coughing a lot...a really barky cough...and her nose was running like mad.  She also was having trouble sleeping.  This is where I know Jayna is truly my kid:  if she has trouble sleeping, SHE'S SICK.  End of story.  Chris and I were both suffering the same symptoms, but kid's come first, so she was the first to visit the doctor.  I thought I had a sinus infection, so it followed in my cold medicine-ridden brain that she would probably have the same thing.

When we got to the doctor, Jayna was fine.  She wasn't afraid.  Or whiny.  Or clingy.  All of you parents know that it's Murphy's Law that your sick kid will act PERFECTLY NORMAL once you get to the doctor.  It happens everytime.

Everything looked fine until the doc looked into Jayna's ears.  She got out the wax scoop, tried once to scoop out some junk, and then looked at me and said, "It's going to be way easier to have her ears washed out than for me to be digging around in there."

Having never witnessed this experience before, I told Jayna, "They're going to get some water and wash the kitty cats out of your ears!!  It'll be fine!  And then the doctor can tell if your ears are healthy."  She was on board.

She was on board until that first syringe full of water was squirted into her ear.  And then she was so far from on board.  She was OFF board. 

She was clinging to me like a baby monkey.

I kept my composure and just kept talking her through it.  Her right ear, the one that the doc poked around in and loosened up, went pretty quickly.  Three syringes and that ear was done.

The left ear.  Oh. My. Lord.  The left ear.

The left ear took 3 people, about a gallon of water, and 4 special lighted wax scoops to clean. 

I was unaware of the amount of junk that could fit into a kid's ear.  Seriously.

She was fine as soon as we were done.  But I feel for her.  That has to be terrifying, what with all the messing with her ears and the sound of the water and the water going into her throat.  She's definitely a trooper.

After the washing, the doc came back in to look at Jayna's ears...and sure enough, there was infection in her right ear.  The left one wasn't infected yet, but it did look red and slightly inflamed.  Amoxicillin again.

It should be said that Jayna hasn't had an ear infection since she's had tubes.  NONE.  And at the time of this infection, it didn't occur to me that it could be because her tubes were coming out.

The doctor did tell me that the left tube appeared to still be in, but she couldn't really tell with all the redness.  The tube was coming out of the right ear into her ear canal, but was probably still hooked.  She still had some wax around the tube itself, so it was hard to tell.  The deal was we'd come back in 2 weeks and they'd be able to tell me more.  I was also give non-antibiotic drops to put in Jayna's ears to keep the wax liquified and to prevent future ear washings.  I want to kiss whoever invented those drops.

Now, skip to last Friday.  Last Friday was Jayna's recheck for her ear infection with her pediatrician. 

On the way to the doctor, Jayna said, "Mommy, are they gonna wash my ears?  My belly hurts.  I want to go home."  She was terrified that she was going to have to go through all of that again.

After I reassured her that the doctor was just going to look at her ears, she was okay.  Until we got there.

As soon as we got into the exam room, hell broke loose.  She cried and sobbed and clung to me like that monkey. 

When the doctor came in, it was a different doctor.  I've never seen a kid so relieved. 

The new doc (just the other doc in the practice) told Jayna that she was just going to look.  And then she was fine. 

The news seemed to be good news.  Both ears were healed up.  The left ear appeared to have........................NO TUBE IN IT.

No tube.  It came out.  YAY!!!!!

The right ear seemed to still have a tube somewhere in it, but not exactly in the ear drum.  It was just hanging out in the ear canal.

The doctor then did a tympanogram reading on both ears.  The left ear had a good reading.  The right ear wouldn't produce a reading, usually meaning that there is still a tube.

I was told to continue ear drops once a day until that next Tuesday, which brings me to this past Tuesday, which was Jayna's check-up with her ENT doctor.

That last sentence confuses even me...and I wrote it.

Jayna was not afraid at all this time.  In fact, she even sat in the big chair by herself...NOT ON MY LAP.  She let the doctor do the whole exam while sitting by herself in an exam chair.  Write that down.  Seriously.

The doctor looked in Jayna's ears and confirmed what the pediatrician said.  The ENT wanted to do a test to further confirm that information, so we went for the test.  It took all of 30 seconds.

The test results were good...and then immediately bordering on bad.

The left ear had no tube.  The hole had healed.  Her ear looked...wait for it...NORMAL.  She no longer has to wear an earplug for swimming in her left ear.  That was the awesome news.  The right ear had a tube lying in the ear canal in some wax, but it was out of the ear drum.  We were told that it would fall out on it's own and we probably wouldn't even know it.  There was still a slight hole in her right ear drum, but it was healing nicely and should be closed very soon.  She still has to wear an earplug in that ear, but probably not for very long.  That was also good news.

Then we were told that her left ear drum (you know, the one that looked NORMAL) already had loads of fluid behind it.  That means that there could very easily be another infection looming.  Bad news.

We were also told that if her ears don't learn to pop themselves VERY SOON, that she will most likely begin to get infections again and she'll have to have another set of tubes. 

Cue the heavy sigh.


Not only is that yet ANOTHER surgery for her, but it's also a ginormous hit to our checkbook.  Yes, I will pay whatever needs to be paid to keep her healthy, but that doesn't make it sting any less.

On September 19th, we have to go in for a very lengthy appointment that will include several tests, including a hearing test.  That appointment will answer many of these ifs. 

I just want the kid to be okay.  I don't want her to have constant ear problems when she's 30 like her dad does.  But it isn't looking good.

So...mark September 19th on your calendars.  And when you get up that morning, please keep Jaynie in your thoughts.  I won't ask you to pray.  Save the prayers for those who need prayers.  Jayna is alive and well and healthy and loved.  Save the prayers for the kids who aren't any of those things...especially loved. 

Just keep her in your thoughts.  I'm a strong believer in karmic energy...and no matter what the news, I'm glad y'all come here and listen to my random rants and leave me words of encouragement when I need them.  I love you all.  And so does Jayniac. :)

1 comment:

penelope said...

Okay, now I'm all teary eyed and I'm not sure why. I hate that your little princess has to go through this, but as a mom myself, my heart hurts for you. My kids are almost 26 and I still hurt so much when they hurt.

I love that you just want good kharma and not prayers. It always irritates me that people ask for prayers for simple illnesses and rather mundane things. If there is a god, I think that it has bigger fish to fry than "help me pass my final", perhaps one could say, oh I don't know, STUDY FOR THE DAMN TEST! I get so irritated by people that are so self absorbed, it is just lovely to find someone who is likeminded with regards to the universe.

Jayna, Chris and those of us who know you, even if we haven't seen you in 15 years or so, are so lucky to have you in our lives. Don't stop "ranting", you are helping others in ways that you don't even know about.