Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thoughts on Thursday: Time Crunch

I don't know why I don't really blog anymore.  I want to.  I just feel like it's ONE more thing taking away from the LIVING of my life.

I know I just said this in my last entry.  I know.

But I feel like I should be documenting things better.  It's the writer in me. 

I know...I said that too.

I've also become really bad at uploading pictures from my camera and to various places such as Facebook and the blog.

I blame the iPhone.  No, really.  I do.

I take entirely too many pictures with my iPhone.  It's easier.  WAY easier.  But I'm too tech-stupid to figure out how to get the pictures en masse from my phone to a computer. 

Half-assed excuse?  YOU BETCHA.  That's what I'm good at...and I generally stick to what I'm good at. is my resolution:  Beginning next week, I resolve to dedicate 2 hours per week of my free home time after Jayna goes to bed to dealing with photos and blogging.  I also resolve to take atleast one photo per day WITH A CAMERA (or else figure out the whole iPhone/picture thing).

Y'all will hate me in 2 months.  Why?  Wait until you see all the catching up you'll have to read.

Better time management.  It's gotta happen.

How do you all manage your lives?  Do you document things through writing?  Photos?  If so, how in the bloody HELL do you keep up?  I'd love some tips.


Penelope said...

I document very little. Very few pics, no journal (I know, old school), no nothing. Lesson here...don't do what Penelope does!

MarathonerK said...

I document fairly well but it's because I'm single and don't have anything else better to do. It keeps me happy and gives me something to reflect on and manage. Love you DMW keep blogging!