This past weekend was one of those "I need a weekend from my weekend" type of weekends.
I just set a record for how many times one can use the word "weekend" in a sentence. Alert the media.
We went into this weekend with nothing planned. No expactations. That's dangerous in our house. That means there is potential for starting a project.
Saturday was spent running errands and cleaning house. We went to the Farmer's Market early that morning and got some yummy sweet corn, green beans and peaches...all grown pesticide-free and in Indiana. I expected the prices to be higher because it was a Farmer's Market, but to my surprise, everything was very reasonable.
When Jayna went down for a nap, I did some gardening and cleaned up our backyard and driveway. It was incredibly hot at that time of day, but I stuck it out and got a lot done. Our back patio is pretty again! There for awhile it looked like a junk pit and I didn't want to spend any time out there. And now that it's going to be a MILLION degrees this week, it's cleaned off and ready to be enjoyed. Damn the luck.
On a semi-related note, who knew that raspberry bushes were vines? Shouldn't they technically be called raspberry VINES? You don't call it a grape BUSH, you call it a grape VINE. Shouldn't raspberries follow that same logic, or is it just me? Yeah...I thought it was probably just me.
At any rate, I've added a trellis to the raspberry VINES and they don't look like weeds anymore! I was sure that I was sold a weed and not a fruitbearing plant. I'm glad I figured all that out.
After all that, I showered. I'm telling you that for a reason. After I showered and Jayna woke up, she wanted to swim in the backyard. Since she had all of her toys out of the shed, that prompted me to clean out the 95 degrees AFTER I showered. Genius.
I now have a garage full of baby gear to sell. I HATE having yard sales. HATE it. So if any of you readers need anything, get at me. I'll make you a great deal. :)
We grilled and cooked all of our fresh Farmer's Market food that night and had an awesome dinner. I buttered and sugared some fresh peaches and threw them on the grill. We had them for dessert with some vanilla bean ice cream. Delish.
On Sunday, we decided to go get the things to make Jayna's new bed.
I told you this would happen. Project time.
See...Jayna wants a big girl bed for her birthday. In THIS heat at THIS rate, she'll get it by Christmas.
When I asked her what kind of big girl bed she wanted, she told me she wanted to sleep on the couch. Day bed it is. But the cool thing about this bed? It's a platform bed with tons of storage underneath. I found the plans on the Ana White website for 2 different beds and combined them to make just what we want. While it's a LOT more work, it will be cheaper and very sturdy and well made. Here's the plan...
The headboard and sides from this one...
And the platform from this one.
It will be precisely what we need for storage and what she wants to sleep on.
Chris got many of the platform pieces cut on Sunday and I began sanding them.
Did I mention that I HATE sanding? Well, I do.
Anyhoodles, I'm anxious for this heat wave to be over so I can get back into the garage and work on the bed. She's expecting it in a month. Exactly ONE MONTH from today. The finish work alone will take me 2 weekends.
My brother and my nephew came over Sunday morning after we went to the home improvement store. Anthony, 8 years old, swam in the small pool in the backyard with Jayna. She thought it was the greatest thing EVER that her cousin swam in her pool with her. They had a great time and then Jayna took a 3.5 hour nap. I guess the water, heat and sun really take it out of a 3-year-old.
On Sunday night, our friends Erik and Janette came over for dinner and some hanging out. We enjoyed their company and they enjoyed the remainder of our Farmer's Market green beans and sweet corn.
Oh...and they're moving to Germany next week. While I don't see them often, just knowing that they won't be 40 or so minutes from where we live for the next year is devastating to me. I love both of them dearly and they will be missed.
And we'll have one HELL of a party when they get back. :)
What did YOU do this weekend?
1 comment:
That bed will be beautiful. I can't believe tha Jayna will be 3 in 30 days, didn't she just turn two? That makes me realize that I have been reading your blog for over a year now. Wow, that went fast. Thanks for being so entertaining. Don't quit, there's a great book in here.
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