Friday, August 19, 2011

In 2 Days...

In 2 days, I'll have a 3-year-old.


In 2 days, I'll have a 3-year-old.

I have a gigantic Get Your Life Together post coming up...but that gets put on hold.  Because in 2 days, I'll have a 3-year-old.

In 2 days, we will take apart her crib/toddler bed.  We will introduce her to the monstrosity of a daybed/platform storage bed that we've been building (with help from my dad). 

In 2 days, we will remove the "froggy potty" from our bathroom.  We will use only the big girl potty.

In 2 days, we will be run out of our house by fairy and princess gifts and decorations and cupcakes and party favors.  And we will love it.

In 2 days, I'll take a thousand pictures to remember her reaction the year that she finally understood what her birthday was all about.

In 2 days, I'll smile. :)

1 comment:

Susi said...

In two days...I'll be smiling with you! : )