Friday, October 21, 2011

Five for Friday: This Will Only Make Sense to Some of You

Within the past few weeks, it seems that Jayna is more in tune with her emotions.

I know I've said in previous posts that she IS emotions, but now the emotions are the result of her thoughts and not just emotions to be having emotions.

It's interesting to watch her emotions and her critical thinking skills evolve.  The good thing about this is that we are more successful in reasoning with her.  The bad thing about this is that she is more successful in reasoning (and bartering) with us.

I'm pretty sure Jayna is going to grow up to be a con artist.  Hopefully she can be one of the Ocean's 11.  I love those guys.  And Tess.


I have a handful of funny stories that illustrate my point above.  They are sort of random.  Some are funny and some are sort of bittersweet.  And if you are on Facebook, you've heard a few.

I present to you, kind readers:  Five for Friday:  Stories About Jayna That Are Related But Not In A Way That You Can Really Tell.
  • A couple of weeks ago, Jayna was going potty.  She is learning to use the toilet without her little potty seat on there, so it really looks like she's just going to fall in there at any moment.  She usually holds onto the side of the toilet to balance herself, but on this particular evening, she was relying solely on her muscles to hold herself there.  I said to her, "Jayna, don't fall in!"  She replied with, "I won't, but if I did, you'd flush me down!!"  She laughed for a minute and then she looked up at me and said, "And then you wouldn't see me anymore and you would have to get a new Jayna."  That caught me totally off guard.  I said, "But I don't want another Jayna.  You are unique and there can never be another you.  And no, if I flushed you down, we wouldn't see you anymore, but you wouldn't see mommy or daddy anymore either."  She looked down and thought about it for a minute.  She then looked up at me with gigantic tears in her eyes.  "I don't wanna flush down.  I wanna see you and daddy!!" 
  • Yesterday, it was super windy outside.  When I dropped her off at preschool, I told her, "Jayna, I'll pick you up after school...if I don't blow away!!"  She just shrugged it off and said, "It's okay mommy.  Daddy will pick me up."  I chuckled at her because we do tease one another a lot.  As I was opening the door to leave, I feel a jolt and a little someone tightly grab my leg.  She looked up at me, quite teary, and said, "Mommy, I was teasing you.  I want you to pick me up.  Don't blow away, please." 
  • One of my favorite (and slightly evil, now that I think about it) things about kids not really knowing the succession of numbers is their inability to properly haggle.  When Jayna is screwing around at dinner, I regularly give her the "You can't get down until you eat 4 more bites." threat.  Her usual sassy response used to be, "NO MOMMY!!!  FIVE BITES!"  To which I reply, "Fine...5 bites."  And then I laugh when I turn my head.  Well...she now KNOWS number succession.  She knows when to go higher and when to go lower without fail.  One morning she wanted me to read her some stories.  "Mommy, can you read me 5 stories?"  I replied, "No, I can read you ONE story.  We don't have time for anymore."  "But mommy...I want 5."  I tried to keep my cool.  "Jayna, we have time for 1."  "Okay, mommy.  How about 4?"  "No, Jaynie...2."  "No, mommy...4."  "No, Jaynie...3."  "Okay mommy...3."  She then laughed hysterically and said...STRAIGHT TO MY FACE..."Ha.  I get 3 stories instead of 1."  And in my head, I said, "WHAT IN THE HELL JUST HAPPENED TO ME?"
  • Jayna's favorite singer is Adele.  She loves all Adele songs.  She knows words to the songs.  She knows what the backup singers are singing.  She knows the order of the songs.  It's crazy.  She has even begun listening to Adele in her bedroom.  This morning she went into her bedroom and got the CD so we could listen to it in the car.  She said to me, "Mommy, can the Adele CD just be mine now?  I won't drop it.  Ever."  I replied, "Well, I like Adele too.  And I think we'll just keep it with all the other CDs and you can use it whenever you want."  She wasn't happy about that.  "But I really really really like it and I bet you only really like it.  And you have money and can buy a new one.  I don't."  I found that point difficult to argue.  "But why would I want to buy another one when we have one already?"  She thought hard about that one.  "So you can listen to it in the living room and I can listen to it in my room.  We have 2 rooms, you know."  Geez...I guess I'm a dumb mom now.  I don't even know we have more than one room in the house. :)
  • A few weeks ago, my mom sent home some sheets of stickers with me for Jayna.  Jayna LOVES stickers and has been known to decorate our house with them.  When we got home, I gave her the stickers with the usual warning, "Do NOT stick them on the furniture, the walls or your books.  If you do, I'll throw them all away."  She is normally, at this point, very good about it.  She played stickers while I prepared some dinner and then she moved on to dressup.  It should be said that when Jayna plays dressup at our house, I let her just wear her panties under her dressup clothes.  She came to me to zip up her dressup dress and then went about her business in her room.  A few minutes later, she came into me and asked me to unzip the dress.  I unzipped it and helped her take it off.  She turned to face me and I see......2 smiley face stickers.  ONE ON EACH NIPPLE.  "Jayna...why did you put stickers on your boobs?"  She was ready with a response, "You told me not to put them on the furniture, the wall or my books.  So I put them on my booms.  They fit."  Holy.  Crap.

I love telling these stories.  I feel like I'm including all of you in the growing up process that is Jayna.  She is picking things up, not just words and letters and stuff, but CONCEPTS, at the speed of light.  This makes me proud of her but it also makes me wonder what I'm in for when she's a little older.  For now, I'll just keep laughing and being completely amazed. :)

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