Today we worked on Jayna's Valentines. She wrote them all by herself.
She decided to make one for her Nana B. Here is the conversation during that moment:
J: I'm going to make a card for Nana B and then I'm going to make one for me.
Me: While you're making Nana B's, you should go ahead and make Nana M's.
J: I'll make one for Nana M later.
Me: Jayna, just get it done now. And then you won't forget and you won't have to do it later.
J: MOMMY. I'll MAKE Nana M's eventually. (Clearly she was irritated with me.)
Me: Umm...I said just do it now.
J: I'LL DO IT MOMMY. I'LL DO IT IN A LITTLE WHILE!!! (She was actually angry now.)
At that point, I realized she felt pretty strongly about this so I let it go. I looked over while she was making out what I thought was a card to herself. She INSTANTLY told me to not peek at her cards. I stopped looking.
After a few more seconds I sneaked in a peek at what she was doing. She was....writing MY Valentine card. She wasn't doing Nana M's right away because she was making mine and she wanted it to be a secret.
And then I felt like a giant jerk. :)
I know I say this all of the time, but she is just sooo sweet!
Sweet girl! I love getting Valentine's from Georgia. Today as soon as she got home from school she asked for her stickers and she went upstairs and got to work. Later she came down and gave me my Valentine...a page full of Valentine stickers. She was so proud. Treasure these moments, before we know it these girls are going to be off to college.
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