Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February 22

Jayna's new thing is making cards for people.  It's just about the cutest thing she's ever done.  You know, since the last cutest thing and until the next cutest thing.

Today when I picked her up from school, she gave me this card.  On the front it says my full name, Chris' full name and her full name.  Inside it says "I love you.  Welcome you are." 

It really says "You are welcome."  But she hasn't figured out that to understand a sentence, it needs to be written in the correct order. And also, it needs to be written from left to right instead of right to left.  If she starts too far to the right and realizes she won't have enough room further to the right, she'll just write it all the way backwards to the left.  I have plenty of cards at home that say "To Mommy" and "anyaJ murF."  Yes, she spells "from" with a "u."  And I don't care, people.  Because she sounded that out phonetically All. By. Herself.

We'll work on it.  She's smart and she'll catch on quickly.  But for now, I'll take her sweet little Yoda speak.

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