Friday, February 1, 2013

January 30

Jayna can't even stand it if Chris and I hug each other and she doesn't get in on the action.  I hugged Chris in the kitchen.  She jumped up out of the dining room abandoning her candy hearts and ran over to us to join in on the hug.  We never mind.  We love that she still likes us.

When I was around 5 years old, I was on vacation with my aunt and uncle in Florida.  They always took me with them and for the first few years, we stayed in a rented house on the river.  When I was that age, I ALWAYS traveled with my Bambi blankie and my Cabbage Patch doll named Edie Lee. 

One day while in Florida, I was pretending that Edie Lee was stuck in quicksand and it was my job to save her.  The "quicksand" was under the couch.  So I stuffed all of Edie Lee...except her one arm...under the couch.  I then had to save myself from the quicksand, so I jumped up on the couch.  I then began to yank and pull on Edie Lee to save her.  Can anyone guess what happened?

I ripped Edie's arm RIGHT off.  And very promptly cried. 

My Granny V. worked at a hospital when I was young.  I took Edie to her and had her sew Edie's arm back on.  Because...Granny V. worked at the hospital and knew how to reattach arms to people. 

Anytime I have to sew a stuffed toy for Jayna, I think of that story.  Below is Ted.  He's been around for over 3 years.  He was won by Chris out of a claw machine.  I tried to just name him Teddy, but Jayna could only say Ted at 15 months old, so it stuck.  He suffered a tramatic eye laceration a few months ago and I just fixed him today.  The joy that bear has brought Jayna...I'm unable to put it into words.  She loves him and even tells him stories sometimes.  I'm glad he was able to be repaired.

I don't work at a hospital, but I didn't leave him much of a scar. :)

1 comment:

Janel and Brad said...

Glad Ted is doing well. This is funny because Brady was telling me about Ted the other day. Does he go to school too?