Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March 24

Today was a rare busy Sunday and I couldn't decide on ONE photo.  Here are some to choose from:

1.  We bought a treadmill today.  It was a very long and drawn out ordeal.  Jayna was very patient the entire time.
2.  Jaynie got her hair trimmed today.  It's so much easier to comb now!!  It also got WAY curlier.
3.  We colored Easter eggs today.  Jayna talked me into buying the Paas tie dye kit.  Um...don't waste your money.  After only 3 eggs, we switched to just the plain colored dye that Nana B gave us.
4.  Chris built us a fire today since it was freezing and snowing.  I let Jayna bring down her Barbies because she really wanted to play in the fireplace room.  She played in there for HOURS.  And Chris played with her.  Good dads play Barbies. :)

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