Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March 6

Story time!!

Last Saturday was Dr. Seuss' birthday. So naturally, it is Dr. Seuss week at Jayna's preschool. Today was Wacky Wednesday. Since Wacky Wednesday is one of Jayna's favorite books, she was totally stoked to look wacky this morning.

Last night we talked about what she could do to look wacky. She decided she wanted to wear 2 different socks, wear her shirt backwards and not brush her hair. I was pretty much fine with all of that.

This morning as she was getting wackily dressed, we had this conversation:

Jayna: Can I wear my pants backwards?
Me: Probably not a good idea.
Jayna: Why? BUT I WANNA LOOOOOK WAAAAACKY! (said through whiny tears)
Me: (holding up pants for demonstrative purposes) Look. You see how there is more room in the back where your butt goes?
Jayna: (nods head yes)
Me: Well, if you wear them backwards all that extra room will be up front where you don't need it. Because your butt isn't on your front, right?
Jayna: Okay. Then can I wear them inside out?
Me: Still probably a bad idea. Then the belt loops and the pockets will be on the inside and be uncomfortable.

I can't put my finger on it, but for some reason I just kept invisioning a major disaster if she wore her pants inside out or backwards. She was upset with me, but seemed to understand why I was discouraging it. After a little more whining she finally conceded and dropped the whole wacky pants idea.

A few minutes later, I took her to school. She was very proud of herself...with her wacky shirt, socks, hair and jewelry. I kissed her goodbye, told her I love her and left.

I was at work at around 7:45 this morning and I got a text. I checked it...guess who it was??

It was Jayna's teacher. RIGHT after I left, Jayna went into the bathroom and turned her pants around backwards...AND HAD HER TEACHER SEND ME A PICTURE OF IT.

Oy. I think I'm in trouble here...

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

Oh my gosh! How funny! You do see that she is actually taunting you about it via photo, right? LOL, love that kid!