Thursday, March 14, 2013

March 9

Tonight we went bowling with Brady, Janel and Brad.  It took Jayna some time to warm up, but when she did, she had a LOT of fun.

Brady is sort of like a sibling to Jayna.  They love each other, but they sure are different.  Jayna couldn't have cared less about the actual bowling...she was there to HAVE A PINK BALL and socialize.  All the while, Brady was keeping close watch on the score of the games.  She's the social one and he's the competitive one.  They get along well. Jayna will definitely be sad when she goes to Kindergarten next year.

Aren't they totes adorbs?!? :)

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

Jayna approaches bowling with the same mindset as Lottie, its not about the actual game...pshh! LOL!