Friday, March 22, 2013

ToT: Get a DVR!!

Why is THIS news? I often find that as I peruse through news sites, I often (or nearly always) see something that just irks me that it is considered 'newsworthy' - so for this week, find something in the news that makes you ask this same question, share the story with us and why you think it is just ridiculous that it has been deemed as news.

Honestly, I could probably write an entire book on this subject.  Surprise.  "We KNOW, Danielle.  You're longwinded.  We KNOW that."

The above photo is what I absolutely, without a doubt, will NEVER count as "news."
The photo is actually of the online photo gallery of Dancing with the Stars.  I am not, per se, against Dancing with the Stars in and of itself.  I don't care for it or watch it or follow it or anything, but I'm not fundamentally AGAINST it.  Pretty harmless, really.  BUT...the results, the contestants, the drama, the scores...are NOT news.  Get it off my television during the morning news.
It isn't just Dancing with the Stars.  The particular channel I watch for news in the morning is also the network that carries Jimmy Kimmel Live, The Bachelor, Dancing with the Stars, among other ridiculous reality television.  And it seems that they are ALWAYS reporting on the damn television shows.
I would probably be okay with this if there was a segment regarding television/media/internet nonsense, but the news people always seem to sandwich Dancing with the Stars results between the latest drive-by shooting and the financial crisis in Cypress.  Seriously?!?  NO ONE CARES.
Actually, someone cares.  A LOT of people care or this nonsense wouldn't be in the news.  If you care about the show that much, let me give you a small piece of advice that will spare the rest of us rants such as this very one:  WATCH THE BLEEPING SHOW!  If you care so very much that Winona will probably get eliminated next week, THEN WATCH THE DAMN SHOW. (And I'm fairly ashamed that I'm privy to that piece of information.  But I'm privy because... 
There is also a very clever invention that's been around awhile called a DVR.  It will record the show for you if you, you know, have a life and need to go to bed before the final results.  And then you can watch it the next morning while you're getting ready for work while I'm...oh, I don't know...WATCHING ACTUAL NEWS THAT HAS TO DO WITH CURRENT EVENTS AND THE WEATHER AND THE TRAFFIC AND REAL THINGS.  (Okay, so how many people have I offended now?) 
Again, if you watch Dancing with the Stars, more power to you.  You are probably a wonderfully intelligent person who I would gladly be friends with.  And my issue isn't with those of you who simply watch and/or care about the show.  My issue is with television people thinking that that ish is news.
Man, that felt GOOD. :)
What do you, dear readers, think is absolutely NOT newsworthy?
Please go visit my other ToT ladies in the sidebar!  I'm sure they have their own rants! :)

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

You rant is absolutely 100% justified! YES!! Why the hell do WE who don't watch these shows have to have it crammed down our throats anyways?! I didn't have any particular aversion to these shows, UNTIL, I realized I didn't even watch them, yet, somehow...I knew all about what was going on with them. I call BS on that! Now, I have MANY aversions to them. You are right, this does NOT belong mixed in with real news.