Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 9

Today Jayna whined from the moment we got home at 4pm to 5:45pm when I sent her upstairs to her room while I cooked dinner.

The whining may be the worst thing about a 4-year-old.  And the hardest part...she doesn't even know why she's upset.

So I sent her up there and told her, "Go to your bedroom and play by yourself.  I've played with you for almost 2 hours and now I've GOT to go cook some dinner."

She went.  And when she came back down after 30 minutes, she gave me this.

"I am sorry mommy.  I will be good.  I love you.  I will stop whining because I've been whining.

I cried.  Not in front of her, but I cried.  And it was a good lesson for the both of us.

Also, today I went and met with my new friend Janel.  She and I have lots to talk about regarding family and parenting and just life in general.  I'm glad we've decided we need adult time on occasion!!

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