Tuesday, April 2, 2013

March 31

First I mustache you...was your Easter happy? :)

The Easter bunny came to our house and left 6 hidden eggs for Jayna plus a basket with some hair ties and an Easter Sweetie Barbie.  Lucky kid!!

She found 5 of the eggs very quickly, but she hasn't quite learned to look up (see March 26.)  I had to ask her what time it was to get her to look up.  Even after she looked up there 4 or 5 times, we basically had to just tell her it was up there.  She was very happy the Easter bunny actually HID eggs this year. 

She asked Chris, "What did you and mommy get for Easter?"  Chris explained to her that Easter gifts are mainly for kids and that it's okay we didn't get anything.  She took all her eggs upstairs, dumped out her loot, filled them with other stuff from her room and came back down to hide them.  She then wrote us a note that said, "I hid 6 eggs...o yes I hid 6 eggs."  Just like the note the bunny left her.  It was the cutest thing ever.  She was super worried that we didn't get anything for Easter, so she made it special for us.  We also went out to lunch with Nana B and Pawpaw and Bubby and Tony.  Good times!!

Just because it's Easter doesn't mean the home reno quits!!!  My dad came over and finished up moving the electrical outlet for our kitchen TV (yikes!) and then mudded the wall.  I can finally see some progress!! 


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