Friday, January 17, 2014

December 26

She's come a LOOOOOOONNNGGG way, folks.  Angel spent several months adjusting to her new life after we adopted her.  She chased shadows, reflections and lights 24/7.  For almost an entire month, we lived in the dark because it was stressful for her.  But we could only keep her away from shadows for so long.  Now we're teaching her other things to do besides chase the lights and shadows.  She also had more skin problems than any other dog I've ever seen.  Her allergies and skin ailments are now under control WITHOUT medication...just a special shampoo.  She no longer shows food bowl aggression.  She shares toys and food with Ollie.  She is protective, but not to the point of dangerous.  And after 6 months of living with us, she finally feels safe enough to curl up and take a nap.  It's so rewarding to see the progress she's made.  We love her to pieces.

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