Friday, September 5, 2008

The Chubster

When Jayna was born, she weighed 8 lb. 7 oz. When we left the hospital, she weighed 8 lb. 1 oz. That was on Saturday. When we took her to the doctor on Tuesday, she weighed 7 lb. 9 oz. She had lost 9% body weight from Thursday night to Tuesday morning. The doctor thought this was cause for alarm and told me that I needed to feed her around the clock...every 2-3 hours. I was to wake her up and feed her...I was force-feeding the child. By last Friday, she weighed 8 lb. In 3 days, she gained 9 oz. Holy crap!!

Well, today was her last weight check. Guess what she weighs now...a week later?! She weighs 9 lb.!!! She gained a pound in a week! The average weight gain for a newborn is half an ounce to an ounce a day. She doubled that! So, now I get to let her decide when she wants to eat. I was told by the doctor that it is advised that I do not let her go for longer than 3 or 3 and a half hours during the day without eating because she could get her days and nights confused again. But I get to let her sleep as much at night as she wants!! I am one happy person!

I am obviously doing something right here. All of this complaining and sadness has been put into perspective now...I have a very healthy little girl and that is what matters. So I'm using a shield. So I may have to use it the whole time. So what?!? She's doing well. So well that one of the nurses commented that I must have super-human breastmilk! I have also been given the go ahead to pump more often because I have such a good supply of milk. That will probably help with her gulping and choking.

I also went to have my blood pressure checked for the last time today. It's back down to normal and all of my swelling is gone. I'm married rings fit. I'm sure Chris will be happy about that. He's been asking almost everyday if I can wear them again or not.

I'm so happy that I got to post something positive today. Positive things are so much easier to write about. And thanks again to all of you who offered support and suggestions and such. You all made my past few days a little more bearable. I have such great friends and family!! Love you all!


Anonymous said...

I am glad that you are doing alot better. But if you need to get out of the house i am always home.


Susi said...

Yeah--things are looking up! Love the little nickname. Just more of her to love! She sure is beautiful-just like her mommy :)