I realized today that I haven't blogged Small Victories since Monday, 9/8/08. My plan was to keep up with them on a weekly basis. After this entry, I'll update Small Victories every Friday. These entries are important to me and help keep up my morale, so bear with me. If you don't care about my Small Victories, don't read about them! :)
Tuesday, 9/9/08
* I was up and ready to go at 8am...without having to deal with a crying baby. She slept until 8:45am, so I got to get ready and eat breakfast without holding a baby.
* Jayna ate very well today. She stayed on a schedule (every 2 hours during the day and 5 hours at night) that she set herself. And we had minimum spit up.
* Jayna is now waking on her own to eat. No more 4 hour naps during the day because I can't wake her up. It's sooo much easier when she does it on her own. I feel like a mean mom for waking her...
Wednesday, 9/10/08
* Today wasn't so great, but I did get to sit outside and drink a beer. That was very relaxing...and I like relaxing.
* I took a nap from 8pm to 9:30pm so I could be ready for the night. And it was a good thing I did this.
* I was in bed by 11:15pm...but only to get up a few minutes later. I did get to be by midnight and slept until 4am.
Thursday, 9/11/08
* I was up and ready to go again at 8am. And Jayna slept through me getting ready and me eating breakfast. Lovely!!
* We've been having fussy mornings. This morning Jayna was awake and happy (without eating) for 45 minutes!! It was very cute to see her just happy and awake.
* I got out of the house to go buy new nursing bras and hair products. It does me very good to get out of the house everyday. Staying home all day really bums me out.
* I got alot of the tree painted today. I promise I'll have it done someday. :)
Friday, 9/12/08
* Today Jayna and I got out of the house from 9:30am to 2:30pm!! It was wonderful!!
* We went to visit daddy and nana at work and the to visit Aunt Summer at home. Aunt Summer went with us to WalMart to buy diapers. This was my first trip to WalMart with Jayna...and I didn't have a panic attack!
Saturday, 9/13/08
* Today I went to get my nails done...for 2 hours BY MYSELF!!! Yes, I left Jayna and a bottle of breastmilk with Chris and left. It as weird...
* Jayna got her first bottle today. She was a little confused, but she did take it. Chris said she did okay. I'm sure it will take some getting used to.
* I went to the grocery with Chris today and had Jayna in the front carrier. She loves it in there!!
* In the late afternoon while Jayna was napping, Chris and I cleaned the entire house!! Yes, our whole house was clean at one time!! We usually vacuum and dust one day and then clean the bathrooms a few days later and so on. By the time we're done, it's time to start cleaning again! Today we got it all done at once. It was great!!
* We had some friends over today and we were able to sit outside and chat with them while Jayna was napping. It was very nice to have some adult conversation for once!
Sunday, 9/14/08
* Today, Jayna did very well with her bottle. She's catching on already!
* I got alot of tree painted today. Someday it will be finished...
* I took 3 naps today!! Wonderful!!
* Jayna slept from 11pm to 3am Monday morning!!
* Chris' mom came over for a visit today. It was nice to see her and she got to stay for awhile instead of just for 20 minutes or so. She also brought Cheddar Chex Mix for us to eat while we watched football. Delicious!!
Monday, 9/15/08
* We didn't have ANY fussing this morning!! Jayna was happy as a clam all morning!
* Jayna ate without the shield in the middle of the night!! I was so frustrated (because of clustering from 7pm to midnight) that I decided that if she wanted to eat, she was going to have to work for it...and she did!! And she hasn't done it again since...
Tuesday, 9/16/08
* Today we went to BabiesRUs and Target. Again, it was nice to get out. Jayna loves riding in the car and in the cart at stores. She likes to look around and listen to all the noise around her. She's so good when we're out and about!
* When Chris got home, we took Jayna and the dogs to the park. Chris walked both dogs and I carried Jayna in the front carrier. She really does love to be in there. I think she enjoyed being at the park also.
* Jayna actually finished her bottle today! She took all 3 ounces at once. She has been taking about 2 ounces and dozing off and then taking the other ounce about an hour later.
* Tonight we began a bedtime routine that includes bath, diaper and pj's, feeding and then sleep. We did bath at 8pm, eating at 8:15pm...and then a little fussing. But she was in bed by 9pm and asleep a few minutes after that. She slept from 9pm to 4am!! Holy crap!! What a tired baby!
Wednesday, 9/17/08
* Today we went to Meijer to buy diapers...again. Jayna was very good.
* We also went to the park and walked around the paved path. I had a few runners and dog walkers stop and tell me how cute and good she is. I love it when people tell me she's cute!!
* I did 3 loads of laundry today and had 2 folded and put away (for the most part) by the time Chris got home. That's a productive laundry day!
* I cleaned my scrapbook space today!! For the past few months, my table had become the catch-all table. When we didn't know where to put something, it got put on my table. I filed away 3 or 4 months worth of paid bills off of there and threw away a whole trash can full of garbage. Now it's ready for me to use again! I'm excited about that.
* I also left without Jayna today. Chris was feeding her and I went to pick up Applebee's for dinner. It's so weird being away from her...
* Jayna slept from 11:15pm to 5am again. It's so nice to have a few hours of uninterrupted sleep...
Thursday, 9/18/08
* Today went well. I got the house decluttered and picked up. Our house is so small that just a few things out of place make it look like it's a mess!! I got things picked up and organized which makes it feel clean!
* My mom came over for a visit today. She brought me Peeps, Reese and Snickers Halloween candy! Yummy!
* I got a ton of pictures printed and uploaded to various places yesterday. It's so hard to keep up with pictures when you have a baby!! You take so many and then you go back and look at them and they all look sort of the same (Jayna lying there asleep), but you can't bring yourself to NOT get them printed!
* I also returned a few phone calls that I've been meaning to return for a couple of weeks now. It feels good to get that sort of thing out of the way...even if I didn't get to talk to everyone I needed to talk to. :)
* Jayna also slept 11:15pm to 5am. It looks like the bedtime routine is atleast working a little bit, even if she isn't asleep by 8:30pm every night like I want her to be. It atleast keeps her awake and relaxed enough to eat well and then go to sleep. Hopefully we can keep it up!!
Wow!! When I look at things this way, I feel like I've accomplished a few things and that things aren't going so badly. I will definitely continue to keep track of these small things for awhile longer. Hopefully soon I'll get some Big Victories...
1 comment:
Woohooo! Sounds like things are going smoothly for the most part! And a bedtime routine is GREAT... it will payoff! I promise! :)
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