Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Fleeting 6 Months

What sort of mother am I, to just gloss over my child's half-birthday and blog about myself and my problems?!? A human one, a busy one, a struggling one, but a loving one.

Holy crap...she's half a year old! What the hell? I know I say this every month, but seriously people. I'm not sure what's happening. She's doing well and she goes for her 6-month well baby check-up tomorrow. Vaccines again...not fun. But we'll get through it and be no worse for the wear. Here are some tidbits about the Jayners at 6 months:

* She weighs almost 20 pounds! She weighed 17 pounds 6 ounces 2.5 weeks ago. She's healthy and I swear I'm not overfeeding her!! I'm sure she'll begin to thin out here in the next few months as she becomes mobile.

* She sits up by herself without help. She still topples over from time to time and she still gets excited and throws herself to the floor sometimes, but all in all the sitting is going very well. She LOVES to sit up on the floor and play with her toys.

* She rolls front-to-back and back-to-front now. And she actually likes to be on her belly. She likes to play with the carpet or the fuzzy blanket with her little hand...anything that's a new texture will keep her busy for atleast 5 minutes.

* She tries VERY hard to get up on her knees when she's on her belly...and this makes her face smash into the floor. She doesn't seem to mind her face being smashed, but she does mind that she can't get on her knees yet.

* She reaches for people now. She is beginning to learn that if she does reach for someone that she usually gets her way and gets to be held by that person. Cause and effect, baby! She will often reach for me when she is in her exersaucer and I walk by her. As soon as I lift her out and she gets a few cuddles, she then reaches for the exersaucer again. It's tiring, but very cute.

* She lunges for things that she wants...the remote, the running water, the dogs, her spoon as I'm feeding her. It's funny....as if she's saying, "I REALLY want that...give it to me now!!" It's like reaching for it isn't enough-she has to throw her whole body at it!

* She babbles like crazy! It's funny because she's begun imitating sounds. Usually if you say the same word to her many (like 50) times in a row, she'll imitate atleast part of the word. I often say "hello" to her millions of times in a row and she's begun imitating the "lo" part of it. Cute.

* She sleeps on her side now. This is so freakin' adorable! She just looks so comfortable and peaceful.

* She prefers food to formula. I think she'd skip formula all together (except at night) if I'd let her. She is now old enough to have a little more food and a little less formula...I'm sure she'll be happy about that!!

* She is a drool machine. I do believe that she will have more teeth any day now. Of course, I've been saying that for a month! Her drool seriously multiplied by 1000 on Sunday and hasn't stopped since. I've been making her wear a bib when she's playing because she just SOAKS her clothes.

That's Jayna in a nutshell at 6 months. I'll update tomorrow about her doctor's appointment and maybe I'll have some pics too!! Good day, all!

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