Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Distraction + Some Procrastination = This Entry

It seems that I have a gajillion things to say, but don't feel like talking about anything really.  But I feel like I need to blog for my sanity.  I feel safe here.  Thanks, guys.  :)  I am procrastinating heavily on blogging about some important ME stuff and this fluff entry will be a nice distraction

I got Jayna's Halloween costume yesterday.  Well, I got Jayna TWO halloween costumes yesterday.  I'm pretty sure I've made a decision, but maybe all 3 of you who read the bloggaroo can help.  Here are the choices with some notes:

So I'm on the fence about the ladybug.  I would definitely alter this one...cut the skirt off to above the knee, shred it and put on Jayna's red tutu under it.  And I'm really not crazy about that headband with the Minnie Mouse-esque bow on there.  But I think it could be cute if I changed it a little...

I love love love this costume, but I am reluctant to make my kid be a garden gnome.  Why, you ask?  Well, did you know it was a garden gnome before I typed it?  And is it really okay for her to be a garden gnome?  I've tried this one on her and it's REALLY cute...and easy to put clothes under.

What do y'all think??


Michelle said...

Gnome, gnome, gnome, gnome!!! It diesn't matter if anyone knows eactly what she is, because she would look soooo cute in that one! Although, of course the ladybug would be cute, too (and i like the alterations). But, she could always wear it next year!

Tiffany said...

I think the lady bug would be cute, but I actually said "Oh that's adorable" first thing when I saw the 'garden gnome'. I can see why you call it that but my first instinct was a little dutch girl (Just don't make her go dutch, could be bad news)

Holly said...

She has got to be the garden gnome! I love love love it as much as you do! She loves hats anyways so its perfect!

Michelle said...

I vote for Garden Gnome, too. I knew what it was when I first saw it, because I saw a little boys' garden gnome costume in an ad today, and thought it was adorable as well. The boys' costume had big white hairy eyebrows and beard. Jake thought it was disturbing, but I liked it. Plus-the lady bug has been over done I think. :)

Laura said...

I think the gnome costume for sure. Very cute!