She is officially a toddler. I still refer to her as a baby because I can. I am entitled. She's only 15 months old, you know.
She had her 15 month well-baby checkup yesterday and all is well and good. She still hates doctors. And I do mean hate. She clung to me like glue and cried and cried and cried. And then she cried some more. It has come to my attention that I never blogged about her one year well-baby checkup, so for posterity I'll put that in a nutshell (haha) first and then do the 15 month stuff.
So, at Jayna's one year doc visit, I was told that she was fat. Literally. I was told to cut back her milk consumption and to not give her candy and cake. Because she has cake twice a day, you know. She weighed 26 lbs. 4 oz. at one year old. She was 29 inches long. She was in the 98th or so percentile for her weight and the 50th percentile for her height. Her weight to height ratio was in the 97th percentile, thus making her "obese." Please. She's a baby. She's chunky. Seriously.
So after wallowing in self-pity for a day and then talking to my good friend Laura (who has a miniature baby) and my mom (who had normal sized babies), I was okay with Jayna being "obese." I continued to NOT feed her candy and cake twice a day and cut her milk consumption to around 12 oz. a day instead of 20. She was getting extra calcium from yogurt and cheese anyway. So there.
Yesterday she weighed 26 lbs. 15 oz. and is 30.5 inches long. I think she's a little longer than that (probably more like 31 inches) but we can't be sure because of her thrashing around on the height measurer thingy.
So, in essence, she's had a decent growth spurt in her height and only gained 11 oz. in 3 months. Who's obese now, bitches?
Sorry. That was me talking. Not Jayna. She doesn't know that word. Yet. Stick with me, kid, and you'll learn lots of words.
Jayna is doing wonderfully. She's discovered running and has thus discovered falling down ALOT. She throws tantrums and gives the sweetest kisses. She uses her charm to her advantage. She's learning at the speed of freakin' light. She still adores Sesame Street. She loves her doggies more than ever. And she is so cuddly right now that I melt atleast once a day. And that kid loves me. I mean, she absolutely loves me. She asks for me and looks for me when I'm gone and is happy to see me when I return. We're on the same page again and I can't get enough of it.
She is talking more and more...but in an unknown language. She seems to be putting together sentences in that language. It's pretty funny. Yesterday she said, "Mama, more cookie." What?? HOLY SHIT!! My little girl just said a sentence!! Awesome. Oh...and to her a cookie is an animal cracker. And she isn't obese anymore so she can have them. :)
She dances like a pro and sings just as well. She loves music and asks me to sing for her atleast 3 times a day. She loves the alphabet song and the itsy bitsy spider. She even says good night to her songs (her CD player with a kid's CD in it) at night.
Enough yapping. Here's what y'all really care about:
Cuddling with bunny and blankie in the car.
Enough pictures mom!
A girl and her dog Moe.
Big girl eating off of a plate and NOT dumping it on the floor. (We have yet for this to happen again.)
Daddy's home!!! YAY!
A girl sitting on her dog Ollie. And he loves it!
I'm not sure how we ended up with such a cute and wonderful kid. This means we'll "pay for our raising" when she's a teenager. Oh dear. We'll enjoy her good behavior and adorableness while it lasts. :)
She is really adorable! I am glad to hear she is loving the mommy now, too! ;)
OMG!!!! I'm so mad about this alleged obesity! She is perfect!! bitches indeed!!!
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