Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Losing Sleep

I'm not sure where this entry is going or what I'm trying to say, but here is the list of things I think about while I *should* be restfully sleeping:
  • Our homeowner's insurance recently came up for renewal.  My agent contacted me and told me that she was going to get it requoted and that I may be able to save money if I bundled homeowner's and auto.  We tried doing this 5 years ago when we bought our house, but it wouldn't have saved us any money.  In November of 2006, Chris was in an accident...with a HUGE concrete flower pot.  He swerved to miss someone who was crossing traffic without paying attention and instead of totaling his car AND the other guy's car, he hit a huge ass concrete flower pot.  The other driver admitted fault and it is IN the police report.  We had to fight with Progressive to get it ruled as a no fault for Chris.  They changed the ruling and then out of principle (I'm known to do things like this out of principle) we switched insurance companies.  So, back to the present day...I got the new quotes on our homeowner's and auto bundled policy and the ruling has been switched back to fault for Chris.  What.  The.  F$%!*&^K?????   I'm still saving money with the bundled policy, but it's the principle of the matter.  I'm still deciding if I want to fight with Progressive over it.  Will it be worth the hassle??
  • Jayna has been the perfect mix of cute/cuddly/lovable/happy and sneaky/frustrated/insane/whiny.  Yesterday she wouldn't leave my side.  She wanted me to hold her on the couch and rub her hair so she could watch Elmo.  And today she showered me in oatmeal and screamed at me because I was trying to feed her breakfast.  The joys of toddlers.
  • I have a difficult time making decisions, but when I make one it's DONE.  Chris and I have been throwing around the idea of moving.  Our house is shrinking and it's very frustrating.  So, with the help of the new homebuyer's tax credit and some finagling with our mortgage, we ARE moving.  I've decided.  This will be news to my husband when he reads this.  That should be interesting.  We are probably going to have to take a small loss on our house, but that could be made up for if we get a steal on a new place.  We'll just have to see.
  • I'm pretty sure I need to see a therapist.  I mean I *could* just go to the doctor and get a prescription for anti-depressants, but I'd rather try other means first.  I don't feel depressed, but I'm having a difficult time dealing with things.  There is no middle ground or rationale in my head these days.  Everything is the end of the world and I take things more personally now than I ever have in the past.  I think talking through some things would be beneficial.  I am writing about this here to try and remove some of the stigma.  I don't want to feel ashamed or admonished because of it and I hope it helps.  We'll see.

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