Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Bumper Sticker of the Week: Catch-Up

So I didn't see like ANY bumper stickers for three weeks or something.  I know.  Crazy.  Here are some reader submissions:

My mom saw this bumper sticker - "Guns kill people like spoons made Rosie O'Donnell fat."  Who doesn't love a good Rosie O'Donnell fat joke?  I hate that woman and I would even if she was slim and pretty.  She's just...a waste of space.

My friend Holly saw this classic - "If you're going to ride my ass atleast pull my hair!"  I've always been a big fan of this one because I HATE tailgating.  I rarely do it and I really want to SLAM on my brakes when someone does it to me.

And yesterday on my way home, I saw this little gem:  "CAUTION:  I DRIVE LIKE YOU!"  Hahahahaha!!  As Dave Barry says, "The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that deep inside, we ALL believe we are above average drivers."  I think I'd actually put this sticker on my car.

What have y'all been seein?

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