Wednesday, November 4, 2009

This is the (teething and bills) song that never ends...

I know...OVER a WEEK since my last entry!!  I don't really know what to say except that I've been lazy busy.  And I've been complacent.  Yep.  I don't really care.  So I know you are all DYING to hear what I've been so busy with.  Well, here goes.
  • I think Jayna is a conehead...but without the cone.  She is seriously going to have all of her teeth by 18 months.  And I have reason to believe that she has double...nay, TRIPLE the amount of teeth that a baby should have (atleast it sure does seem like it, what with all the whining and drooling and snot and crying and fussing and clingy and pointing to her mouth and screaming, etc.).  Will it EVER end??  Not if she is a conehead.  Who remembers what a conehead's teeth look like??  Well, I will delightfully refresh your memories:

  • Three weeks ago, I hurt my ankle.  The one that I had surgery on 14 years ago.  The one that still has pins in it from the aforementioned surgery.  One may say that I hurt it playing softball, but I'm not so sure of that.  I didn't twist it or anything; it just sort of started hurting.  Last Friday I finally went to the doctor because of swelling and achiness.  I had fluid taken and xrays done.  We'll know today what I actually did to it.  The doctor mumbled some things about infection and/or the pins moving out of place or that I may just have arthritis because of the pins.  Oh dear.
  • I seem to be having a cash flow problem.  It seems that everytime I get an unexpected/large bill paid off that a new one arises.  I finally paid off my labor and delivery and now I'm paying for Jayna's ears.  I paid my million dollar stupid ass traffic ticket and then I had to pay for Moe's surgery.  I paid the car insurance in a lump sum only to receive our license plate renewal forms that I had totally forgotten about.  And just like the teething, this will NEVER end.  It's seriously just one expensive and/or unexpected thing after another.
  • Last weekend we took Jayna to see both of her great grandmas.  One of them lives in a nursing home.  And now I'm terrified that Jayna will get sick.  Fun times.
  • I've begun planning out Christmas gifts and holiday activities.  Snuggies for everyone including the dogs!!  Ha.  I'm really looking forward to the holidays this year.  I think Jayna will LOVE it!!
What have y'all been doin?


Susi said...

Save yur money...I don't want a snuggie...they are just plain stupid!

laura said...

your story sounds so much like ours! :) and many others i am sure!

Michelle said...

Ha! I had the same snuggie thought, too!!