Monday, December 28, 2009

A List of Sorts

  • Chris' birthday is in 4 days.  He will be 30.  He is highly irritated by the fact that I keep talking about it.  But here I am...
  • I can't seem to get my shit together.  My kid turned 16 months old a week ago and I still haven't blogged about it.  To some of you that may see trivial, but to me it's important.  I am a recorder, a writer-downer if you will,  and I intend to stay that way.  I like to write things down so I can remember them.  My memory is JUST that bad.
  • We will soon be listing our house and looking for a new one.  That should be interesting...
  • I've already determined two of my four new things to do for the 2010 year.  Two more to go.
  • I'd like to get Jayna's December Daily done by the end of January.  That ALSO should be interesting...
  • I'm frazzled.  But you probably knew that already.

1 comment:

husband said...

Please stop reminding me that I am "half dead," as you Aunt said effortlessly.