Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Quickie...

Get your minds out of the gutter!  Geez!!  I found this over at Immaculate Disorder (my mom's blog) and thought I'd give it a go...

I live... day to day.
I love... more deeply than I will ever let on.
I drink... way too much beer.
I eat... at Fiesta Ranchera once a week.
I watch... very intently as Jayna grows into her own little person.
I wish... I could get my shit together.
I hope... we get to move this year.
I laugh... at really corny "a guy walks into a bar" jokes.
I cry... when I see those ASPCA commercials on television...the ones with the dogs who've been beaten.
I wear... jeans almost everyday.
I walk... much slower now since I usually have a toddler holding my hand.
I fear... more things than I have time to list.

How about you?  Blog it for yourself or leave your answers in your comment.  C'mon!!  Give it a try!!

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