Monday, March 22, 2010

Jayna at 19 Months

I don't even really know where to begin.  I will say this up front:  this post will NOT contain any photos.  Mostly because I've been way too busy to take and upload and edit photos.  I just don't have it in me right now.  So if you only come here for the pictures, sorry.  You'll be disappointed.  But I just bet you'll be okay. :)

As always, I went back and read my Jayna at 18 Months post and there is another exhaustive list of new things.  Some are just extensions of older things, but alot of new, too.  Here goes:
  • Jayna can now repeat any, and I mean ANY, word she hears.  "Shit" became her favorite word for a short time over the weekend.  And now we really have to pay attention when she says it because it also means "shirt."  She can say everything.  I'm not even going to make a list of words because it's all words and you can just go to the dictionary for that.
  • She now associates colors with certain things.  Whenever she sees something red, she says, "Elmo!  Elmo!"  When she sees something black, she says, "Ollie!  Ollie!"  And blue is, "Cookie!  Cookie!"  Pretty cool.  She can even pick out a red crayon now.
  • My kid is definitely left-handed.  She can color like nobody's business too.
  • Her favorite foods are cereal (like Cheerios, Chex and Special K), Danimal Smoothie yogurt, Special K bars and popsicles.  Oh, and mashed potatoes.
  • She can sing the tune to the ABC song (or twinkle twinkle little star).  She even gets about a third of the letters right.  I hear her over the monitor at bedtime singing to herself.  This is my new favorite.
  • She gets her guitar and rocks out with Chris.  This makes Chris happy.
  • She can almost climb the ladder to our fort/slide of our swingset.
  • She throws one hell of a tantrum.  And it's soooo hard not to laugh at her because she's so very dramatic about it.  She MUST get that from her dad.
  • She gets time out about twice a week.  We reserve time out for hitting or other things that will hurt her or others.  That's what matters right now is the hitting and hurting herself. 
  • She told us that her diaper was dirty yesterday.  That was a first and a BIG step!
Again...that's just the basics.  There is so much more that I don't have the time or energy to list it!!  She is the sweetest kid and gives the bestest hugs.  She's cute and cuddly and already has her own agenda!!  Yikes.  The teen years will be difficult!

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