Friday, April 30, 2010

Five for Friday: I just can't do it, cap'n.

Today's Five for Friday comes from a rather new list of things that I...well, things I don't like.  But it isn't for lack of trying.  I've attempted to like these things, as everyone else seems to, and I just can't do it.  I'm givin' er all she's got and I can't do it.  I just can't get on board with these things.
  • The Office.  I have tried and tried and tried to get on board.  I really hate this show.  I realize that I've now lost about half of my readers.  The other half, keep reading until I lose you.
  • Kings of Leon.  Why the HELL are these guys so popular?  Their songs are not all that technical OR even that good!  They're the same ol' rock pop songs that have been written time and time again!  And I won't go into how ANNOYING the singer's voice is...
  • Twitter.  Um...I just don't get it.  Maybe I'm just too old.  My account sits there unused.  You won't find me twitting...or tweeting...or what the HELL ever anytime soon.
  • The new age '80s fashion.  I thought we had all agreed and come to the consensus that the '80s was a waste of a decade when it came to fashion, pop culture, movies and music.  Why is it back???  You just won't EVER see me in skinny jeans or looking like Molly Ringwald even though I've recently tried on some of those clothes.  That ship has sailed for me.
  • Margaritas.  I know, weird.  I had a very unfortunate stint in college with tequila.  Not margaritas, just tequila.  But now I can't even SMELL tequila without wanting to puke.  Everytime someone I know gets a margarita, it looks soooo good that I must taste it.  And then I feel nauseous for an hour.
What do y'all hate even though you've given it a shot?


Penny said...

The Office....I am totally with you.
Kings of Leon...ditto.', it's okay. I enjoy chatting with Ashton Kutcher, but that's the only good thing that has come from it for me.
The 80' you're on hallowed grond my friend. I LOVE the 80's! The 80's were my decade...tread
Margaritas...Strawberry only, but I feel the way about rum that you do tequilla...'nuff said!

Michelle said...

I'm just ok with the office. sometimes it's funny, sometimes it bugs me/makes me nervous. Twitter schmitter. I, too, dislike Margaritas, but only because of the pukey soury sweetness of the mix that makes my stomach turn. The tequila I can handle. My dislikes include sushi (i swear i've tried), Seinfeld, and the Real Housewives of anyfreakingwhere.

Tiffany said...

I can't get on board with you on The Office... but it was only funny to me when we started watching from the very beginning. Without knowing the personalities of the characters the jokes don't work.

I can't believe you didn't say Twilight. Are you feeling ok?