Wednesday, June 30, 2010

New Word Wednesday: Yuck!

Jayna went through a short phase where she thought it necessary to touch EVERY disgusting trashcan wherever she went.  As you can imagine, I hated this phase.

We quickly began discouraging her from doing so.  I began by just telling her no.  That didn't work.  Then I told her the trashcans were icky.  Nothing!!  She kept doing it!  Then, one day, I said, "No Jayna!  Ewww...nasty trash!!!"  Apparently something clicked.

For the following week, everytime we'd pass a trashcan in a public place, she'd point to it and say, very loudly, "Ewww!  Nassy chash, mommy!!"  I would get really anxious about this at WalMart thinking that someone in there would indefinitely think she was talking about them.  I'm happy to report that this has yet to happen. :)

Now she says this phrase whenever she thinks something is gross or if she wants to throw something away.  She has a pair of dress-up shoes that had little fluffy pink things on the straps.  One of those little pink fluffy things fell off a few weeks ago and Jayna came running to me, "EWWW!!!!  NASSY CHASH MOMMY!!!!!!!" 

Anything broken that she doesn't want me to fix she calls "nassy chash."  Anything that is food that falls on the floor or out of her mouth, etc. is "nassy chash."  Even some of her toys are "nassy chash" just because she doesn't like them anymore.

And it's just about the funniest thing she's ever said.

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