Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Well Played Wednesday: Grammar

Jayna has a new very bad habit of just flat out telling me "no." 

"Jayna, how was your day today?"  "NO!!"

"Jayna, what do you want for dinner?"  "NO!!"

"Jayna, let's go see Santa!"  "NO!!"

You get the idea.

I've been hounding her about NOT doing this.  Mostly for my sanity.  It's seriously "no" to EVERYTHING.  Even if I just say "Hi, Jayna."  "No, mommy."

She's been in trouble lately for doing this.  I'm just to my wit's end about getting her to STOP IT!! 

So she stopped.  And now she says "uh uh."  Because that's entirely different than saying "no."  Duh.

Yesterday in the car I wasn't even talking to her and she kept repeating in the back seat, "Uh uh, mom.  Uh uh.  MOM!!!!!  UH UH!!!"

I stopped at a stop light and turned around to look at her.  I very calmly said, "Jayna, saying 'uh uh' is the same as saying 'no.'  You shouldn't say that to mommy."

Her reply, "Uh uh, mom.  'No' has a N."

Well played, Jayna.  I can't remember the last time I was schooled in grammar by a 2-year-old.

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