Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Whit Wednesday: Jayna Edition

Not "wit."  "Whit." 

I have an array of small snippets, tidbits if you will, about Jayna and her hilarious antics.  But nothing that is worthy of it's own post.  Hence "Whit Wednesday."

Chris and I are no longer daddy and mommy.  We're plain ole mom and dad.  And she calls us mom and dad more than not.  It's sad but cute.  She'll say, "Let's go play, mom."  Or "What you doing, dad?"  Precious still, but I was hoping to be mommy for ALOT longer.

Last Saturday Chris was dressing Jayna and she was wiggling around like crazy.  He said to her, "Well, Jayna, you're DEFINITELY a kid."  She replied with, "No dad, I not a kid.  I'm Jayna." 

She has caught on now that she goes to Aunt Summer's somedays and to school the other days.  This morning she asked me, "What I doing today mom?  School or Aunt Summer's?"  I said, "Today is Aunt Summer.  Tomorrow is school."  She replied with, "No, today let's go mall instead."  Hilarious!!

We were playing dressup a few days ago and she was dragging out all the millions of pairs of high heels that she has...and then they're all over the floor and she steps on them and hurts her feet.  I said, "Jayna, do you REALLY think we need all these shoes out?"  She says, "Yes I do, mom."  I said (trying to REASON with a 2-year-old), "Why?  You can only wear one."  And, as seriously as ever, she looks at me and says, "No mom.  I hab TWO feet.  I wear two."  I think I just got served.

She is as aware as she can be about the sitch with Moe.  She will randomly go over to him while he's resting, pet him on his back and say, "It's okay, big man.  It be okay."  Aaaaaaaaand my tears are my cue to end this post. :)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I say GO JAYNA on this one! I hate hearing old kids being all "mooomeey, daaadeeeey..." It just promotes whining! And when full grown adults do it, I throw up in my mouth a little. Ellie goes back and forth, but mostly mom. I'm planning to have mommy completely phased out by year 6.