Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Lesson in Jaynish: Amphibians

Jaynish:  the language that my child, 2-year-old Jayna, has invented.  Includes words, phrases and exclamatory jibberish.

Lesson 1:

Who knows what that is??  Anyone?  Bueller?  Bueller?

Any layperson would call that a frog.  Just a...frog.

Not Jayna. 

We've read almost every book in our house over the past 3 days.  One of her favorites is her picture animal book.  She was "reading" it to me and when coming upon the picture of a frog, we had this very serious conversation:

Jayna:  Look, mommy!!!  A frobbit!!!!
Me:  A frobbit?  What in the world is a frobbit?
Jayna:  (points to the frog and raises her eyebrows as if to say "Duh mom.  It's right there.")
Me:  Um...I think that's just a frog.  I don't know what a frobbit is, Jaynie.
Jayna:  It's a frog and says 'ribbit.'  A frobbit, mommy.

English:  frog.
Jaynish:  frobbit.

I'll never forget that day.  Ever.

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