Tuesday, February 14, 2012

For Shame!

I know, right?!? 

Two stinkin' months of no posts.  Sorry, y'all...I needed a break.

My plan is to be back on a (atLEAST) once weekly blogging schedule by the beginning of March.  It seems that I have no concept of time management lately and I'm not sure what is going to need to be done to remedy that.  The train VERY APPARENTLY derailed, but I'm not schooled in putting trains back on tracks or whatever, so I'm still doing research on how to do that.

I wanted to do a quick check in to let all of you regulars know that I am indeed alive and well and that I'll make sure you don't miss out on all of the junk that was my holiday season and the things that have come after that.  My life needs rearranging and you all will be a huge part of that also.

Some things that need work:
  • I am quitting with crochet until further notice.  I just can't juggle crochet hooks right now.
  • I haven't done any form of scrapbooking since sometime in 2010.  That is stupid crazy.  I LOVE that hobby and I am super freakin' sad that I've neglected it for that long.  To deal with this, I've started a system called Project Life.  If you have any interest in preserving memories, but aren't really a scrapbooker, I HIGHLY recommend this system.  All you have to do is buy the parts to the kit, take pictures and get them printed out and stick them in the page protectors.  The page protectors are sectioned off and are designed for 4x6 photos...one a day.  BUT YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO TAKE ONE A DAY.  It is also designed to be done weekly.  You also can buy little cards where you can write small snippets of your week on and then add them to your pages.  I also have added a tag from clothing, a card, an invitation, etc.  Super easy and efficient.  When you are a parent with a job and have lots of other obligations, efficiency is the name of the game.
  • I am doing P365+1.  I take (atleast) one photo a day, ordinary or special, with my iPhone and I put it into my Photo 365 app.  This helps me with Project Life.  I certainly need help with my memory and this is the perfect app for that. 
  • I installed the Blogger app on my iPhone.  I'll just admit it now:  I DO MORE THINGS ASSOCIATED WITH PICTURES/INTERNET/SOCIAL NETWORKING WITH MY IPHONE THAN I DO WITH A CAMERA AND A COMPUTER COMBINED.  I haven't taken one single picture with my actual camera all year.  I haven't needed to.  My iPhone is right there.  Handy.  Easy.  No fuss.  And I can upload or save my photos to 10 different places via my iPhone.  No uploading photos to a computer, etc.  I LOVE IT.
  • If my iPhone dies, I probably will too.  Just a note to myself. :)
  • The fact that I do so many things from my phone has inhibited ONE aspect of my life:  Blogging.  I miss blogging, but it's so dang many steps to turn on my home computer, go to my blogger account, type a post, find all my photos and figure out how to get them to the computer I'm working on and then publish and then link to Facebook.  Now that I've figured things out, I can do all this from my phone.  This will result in more but shorter blog posts.  Y'all can live with that, right?
  • My good friend MZQ and I are planning to start (very soon, I hope) a weekly topic and linkup situation where we blog about a topic and...get this...LINK up to one another.  If I'm reaching any other bloggers out there, please let me know if you'd like to be a part of this.  We don't have any topics yet, but I'm assuming they'll be across the board topics that range from funny to serious to opinion to stories.  I hope she's thinking the same here. :)
So that's how I'm rollin' this year.  I used to use my blog to preserve my memories.  I am now doing that more privately, but I still want to include you all in that process.  Stay tuned for some ACTUAL blogging. 

Loves to you all. :)

1 comment:

Penelope said...

Welcome back!