Monday, October 26, 2009

Me: The Abridged Version, E

So, "E" words are hard, y'all.  I wanted to use words that were actually meaningful in my life.  As it turns out, there are MANY meaningful "E's" in my life.  I just had to search for them (and take suggestions from you!).

I am a big fan of education.  I love to learn new things and expand on what I already know.  I loved school (except for maybe high school, but that's an entirely different issue) and I loved college even more.  I love to do extensive amounts of research on things that I'll never need to know just for the sake of learning (i.e. methamphetamine addiction, kosher food and scientology).  I am very proud of the knowledge I've gained through all sorts of education including organized and less-than-organized...and I'm happy to share it with anyone willing to listen. :)

I am guilty.  I do it.  At restaurants, shopping malls and waiting rooms.  It is especially fun now that people think that no one is listening when they have a cell phone conversation in the middle of the grocery store.  I just can't help myself.  And most people do NOTHING to make their conversations private, what with the loud talking and crazy gestures.  I love to hear one part of a converstation and then make up a story of why the person was having that conversation.  The comedian Lewis Black has a bit about eavesdropping that includes him listening to a woman at an IHOP.  She says, "If it weren't for my horse, I'd never have made it through that last year of college."  Everytime I eavesdrop, I think of that.  Funny.

Even though I lived pretty far away, I grew up on the Eastside.  I was on the edge of my school district and lived about 20 minutes away from my high school, but I still hung out in the general area of where I went to high school.  Washington Square Mall...back when Montgomery Ward was there...Target next to Show Biz and Flakey Jake's were a few of the places I frequented as a kid and eventually as a teenager.  Socially, I had a rough time in high school.  I had lots of friends and was involved in lots of stuff, but I still had a tough time.  High school is hard and teenagers are mean...and this has affected the way I feel about the Eastside.  I don't like it.  I don't like going there.  I don't even really like talking about it.  Yuck.

I can't write anything without atleast a quick edit.  I don't like to make mistakes and I am sort of a perfectionist in this area.  Why didn't I list this under perfectionist?  Well, because I'm not a perfectionist with everything.  I had some strict English/Language Arts teachers growing up and I just don't like to make grammar and spelling mistakes.  I edit everything I write, even the grocery list.  And I still can't bring myself to condense words to send a text.  This often results in me sending two texts, but I just can't do it!!  I feel like I MUST type out every word.  I know.  Weird.

I used to despise Elmo.  He was annoying and his face was on everything from backpacks to bandaids.  I couldn't go anywhere without seeing his big red face.  I also couldn't stand the way he always talked in third person..."Elmo is so happy to see you!!"  But now I have a child.  Who ironically LOVES Elmo.  And he's growing on me.  He's actually pretty funny.  I watch him everyday and I even find myself reading in his little voice when I read Jayna's Elmo books.  I want to buy the new Elmo Live toy for ME, not for her.  He is great entertainment for my little one, so I suppose I just have to like him!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Okay, so I didn't see any of my "E" suggestions-that's alright though because they were pretty lame. I did think of a few last night...don't ask me why this was on my mind in the middle of the night..I'm not sleeping the best these days. You know how it goes.
Eventually (as in, I will get to that eventually-story of my life)
I could go on and on..but I won't. I like your choices.