Wednesday, April 21, 2010

New Word Wednesday

Having a 2-year-old is no doubt a challenge.  But even more than that, it is constant comic relief.  I laugh at Jayna atleast 73 times a day...and the wrinkles in my face are proof!  So, here we are with a new weekly entry...New Word Wednesday.  I will chronicle my favorite current new word from the lips of Jayna every week.

This week's word is barker.  Who has a guess??  To Jayna, barker is cracker.  As in a Wheat Thin or a Triscuit cracker.  I urge you all to use this word in your everyday vocabulary.  You'll definitely laugh when you say it!

1 comment:

HOlly said...

When Rylie was about 2 she called yogurt ROGIT. Now that she can say yogurt she still calls it that anyways. Silly kids!