Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Witless Wednesday

First and foremost, THANK YOU ALL for all of the support.  Sometimes I need someone to tell me I'm doing something right.  And if that is wrong, then I don't wanna be right.  I will now refer to all of you commentors and readers as my favorite bra. :)

So I've been thinking alot and talking to my friends who have children and doing my normal "assessing the situation even in my sleep" and I've come to the conclusion that I really shouldn't ASK what I should do.  I should just do SOMETHING.  And be consistent.  My first instinct with the fits at Summer's after work was to just pick up her little butt and strap her in the car regardless of her fit.  I don't want her to get her way of staying.  And thanks for backing me up on that, ladies!  That sort of gave me some encouragement that my first instinct isn't always wrong.  I also never thought of the whole not letting her say goodbye and stuff like that.  That will probably help because Jayna is a kid who needs closure.  If I cut off reading a book to her at bedtime because she is acting crazy, she'll ask for that book first thing when she wakes up.  If she doesn't get that closure maybe something will change.  Hopefully.

As far as other fits at our house and such, we're going with (and have been going with since it started) the leaving the room approach.  That makes it stop pretty much instantly...for now.  I'm sure that will eventually change.  Yesterday she wanted me to carry her all over the backyard.  I said no.  She threw a fit.  I went to the swingset to swing.  She quickly learned that I didn't care about her fit and that I was going to do what I needed to do regardless of her attitude.

I'm sure that she plays off of my attitude, too, especially in the mornings.  There is a sense of urgency in the morning regardless of what time I get up.  I could get up at 4:30am and it would still be that way.  But I'm learning ways to be urgent AND cheerful/more patient.  This morning my attitude was very different and we didn't have any fits.  Here's hoping I can keep it up!!

Thanks again everyone!  And all of you new readers, keep reading!! 


Laura V. said...

Hahaha!!! I took me a minute to get your bra joke. Because, well, you know I am not that good at getting jokes.

Penny said...

So happy that you are feeling/doing better. Trusting your instincts is difficult, but you really do know what to do, you just need to give yourself permission to follow your instincts. Jayna and Chris are lucky to have such a loving and considerate mommy/wife. Keep up the great work.