Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wake Up Wednesday: Where did 2010 go???

Today marks 58 days until Christmas.  I know, I know.  "Why would you do that to us, Danielle??  You KNOW it isn't even Halloween yet!  Don't freak us all out about Christmas until ATLEAST after Halloween!!"

Well, kids, I'm actually saying the SAME DAMN THING!!  Don't freak out.  Don't freak out.  58 days is alot of days.  But let's break it down.  That's only 8.29 weeks.  And less than 2 months.  Yikes.

My main concern is this:  WHERE THE HELL DID 2010 GO????

I seriously feel like I've been asleep since Jayna's 1st birthday.  You know, the Horton one...with the ears and the...oh nevermind. 

My "Word for 2010" was "breathe."  I think I've done that approximately 3 times this year.

Why does time seem to go so much faster now?!?  Anyone who can give me a scientific answer to that will receive a super-special surprise.


Husband said...

I found this for you. What's my suprise...
"It's related to Einstein's Theory of Relativity as someone indicated, but not really in the way they indicated.

When you're young, your head is closer to the ground and as you age it moves further away. This is not only due to your height increasing, also due to working in office towers and flying on airplanes.

This is the tricky part, so pay close attention to my fingers. As your head is further away from the ground, it is actually rotating faster than the ground and is thus closer to the speed of light. Relativistic effects kick in and the calendar, which runs on the timescale of the ground, moves more quickly than you do. Hence, the feeling that time is moving faster as we age. It quite literally is."

Laura said...

Leave it to Chris. :)