Friday, December 9, 2011

Every Picture Tells a Story

I like to take pictures.  And then never upload them to the blog.  It sort of fits with my lazy procrastinator sitch.  That would explain why I'm about 6 months behind on my Six Pix posts.  Umhmm.

So...anyhoozy.  Here are some phone pics. 

Only in America, people!! A product called Forever Lazy. It even has a zippered flap on the butt and a two-way zipper on the front so you can do ALL of your business without taking it off. Matching slipper socks included.

  So I was in Best Buy yesterday and THIS was on the shelf next to some curling irons that will apparently make you look like Bella or that other nameless, faceless chick from Twilight. Really, people?? We're now marketing flat irons to dudes with the word "Sparkle" on the box? I also love how it's a "detailer" and not a flat iron. The person who came up with this marketing strategy needs to be fired. Immediately.

We get to watch all of Jayna's dance classes through a big window.  There are pros and cons to this.  The pro is that it is the funniest thing EVER to watch little girls do dancing.  The con?  Well, I get to see all the weird things Jayna does in a crowd of little girls.  These things include but are not limited to picking nose, pulling skirt up to under armpits, pulling skirt all the way off, wearing skirt like toga, picking 87,421.5 wedgies out, playing with hair barrette.  And the best thing is that ALL THE OTHER PARENTS CAN SEE HER TOO.  (I'll leave out all the disgusting/hilarious/weird things that all the other little girls do that I can see also.)  On this particular day, she had yanked her skirt up to her armpits and the dad sitting next to me completely lost it.  I thought he was going to fall out of his chair.  So I stood up, did the 2 fingers to my eyes to her (the "I'm watching you" sign) and then motioned THRU the glass this EXACT sentence, "FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY, LEAVE THE DAMN SKIRT ALOOOOOOOOOONE!!!!!"  It obviously embarrassed her.  So she gave me the sassy/sad combo to make me feel bad.  It didn't work...mostly because that made the dad next to me laugh even harder.

This was the first day of jazz class.  She pays more attention in this class than she did in ALL her other classes combined.  Here she is learning to gallop to the side.  Whatever that's called in jazz, I haven't the slightest idea.

She found these goggles in my brother's basement the day we went to my nephew's birthday party.  Jayna is very good about sharing.  NOT THESE GOGGLES.  I don't know why, but she attached herself to the goggles and wouldn't let anyone else have them.  Her Aunt Summer even let her take them home.  She still wears them from time to time when she "fixes her toys."

This is our Christmas tree.  We had to buy a new one this year because most of the lights on our old one shorted out this year.  I was nervous that the tree would catch on fire and then all Jayna would ever remember about Christmas would be "that year our Christmas tree and all the decorations and presents went up in flames."  I can't take that chance, so new tree it was. 

Jayna and I made these reindeer pops.  I saw the picture on Pinterest and this was my thought process:  "All we'd have to do is melt some chocolate and dip the marshmallow on a stick in there and then poke the pretzel antlers in and put on the nose and eyes and VOILA!!  Reindeer.  Quick for Jayna's attention span and easy for my sanity."  Do you know what happens if you dunk a room temperature marshmallow in piping hot chocolate sauce??  THE MARSHMALLOW MELTS.  And do you know what happens if you try to poke pretzels into a marshmallow?  IT JUST FALLS RIGHT OUT OF THERE.  And then if you try and put the eyes and the nose on there too quickly before the chocolate is hardened a bit?  THEY SLIDE RIGHT OFF.  He's so special though. :)

For those of you who know me, it takes more than a little marshmallow melting/antler falling off/eyes and nose sliding off to discourage me and to make me scrap a craft project.  So I perservered and made some changes to my methods and got them looking like this one by the third one.  I think they're adorable.  And tasty as all get out!! (I'm channeling my mom there.)

Here she is practicing one of the many ballet type moves that I don't know the name of.  You'd think after umpteen years of French in high school and then 4 years of Latin in college that I'd be able to pronounce and remember a few foreign words. thought wrong.  The truth is that the moment Jayna told me she hated ballet, I quit listening to what the moves were called.  I had NO IDEA they'd come back to haunt me in jazz class.  That'll learn me.

She just tries so hard to pay attention and do what the teacher is doing.  But do you see those 3 kids back there in the corner?  They're crazy and distracting and Jayna always somehow gets stuck in between them or around them or something.  If my kid were acting like a lunatic and never listened to a teached, I'd yank her outta there so fast and give her a good talking to.  But no.  That takes effort on the part of these teenybopper parents.

We went to BDubs with my dad last weekend and Jayna decided to play marker cap fingers.  Then she randomly looked at me and said, "Mommy, take my picture.  It will be funny because of my marker fingers."  And so I did.  And it was good. :)

What have y'all been up to?  I love how each of these photos brought a story.  It makes me smile to share my ridiculously mundane life with you people.  I'll try and give you photos with weird stories more often.  Shouldn't be too hard...I love a weird story. :)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I love the stories, too. Makes me excited to sit through some dance classes in the near future.