Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Together on Tuesday: Workin' for a Livin'

So yesterday was Tuesday and conincidentally, Michelle over at After 9 and Some Weekends was the only one to actually post on Tuesday!  We are all just outstanding with timing. :)
For serious though, I was busy all day yesterday...from the time I woke up late to the time I fell asleep on the couch at 9pm.  If I fall asleep on the couch, that means I'm tired and that even if I were awake, I'd be a fairly useless waste of space. 

After you finish up here, head on over to Michelle at After 9 and Some Weekends, Charlotte at The Dog Days of Life and Nancy at Purple Peaches and see what they have to say (if they're caught up.  Be patient...we all have busy moments in life.)

Today's topic is something that is near and dear to my heart.  I have a desk job and I go stir crazy.  I am the creative type and there is NOTHING creative about a desk job.  Seriously.  It bores me senseless on some days, but it is reliable, provides me with benefits that are very needed in this day and age and puts food on the table.  At this point in my life, I can't give all that up and risk going for broke.  I have a child and other responsibilities that force me to act responsibly. 

So here it is:  What is your dream job?  How would this job affect your ability to be a mother, wife, etc.?  Would you go back to school?  Would you relocate? 

"I want to sing and dance.  I want to sing and dance.  I want to be a pirate in the Pirates of Penzance.  Wear me silver buckle slippers and me tight shiny pants.  I want to sing and dance."

Whoever gets that reference gets 10 bonus points.

Really I don't want to sing and dance.  In fact, I'm pretty bad at both.

First of all, I actually know some people who have something close to my dream job.  And they actually LOVE what they do.  I think that makes it harder and easier at the same time.  See, my dream job is unconventional. 

I want to create things and sell them.

That is the long and short of it.  Would you like me to be more specific?  Okay.

Knowing people who do this?  Well, that just makes me slightly jealous. gives me hope that it can be done effectively.

I have many creative interests.  And I'm actually pretty good at a lot of creative things.  I can hold my own with a crochet hook.  I can paint.  I can scrapbook.  I can effectively repurpose furniture.  I can use power tools.  I can bake AND decorate.  And I simply LOVE all of those things.

I basically want to be Martha Stewart minus the felony conviction and jail sentence.

This will absolutely not come as a surprise to anyone who knows me.  They all know that I love all of those things.  Many of them think I'm wierd for it.  Many of them think it's pretty cool.  They all know that they can ask me a vast array of questions regarding crafty and creative things and I'll help out.  I've made many decorated cupcakes for friend's kid's birthday parties.  I've made invitations for those parties.  I've painted paintings and murals for friends.  I've made scrapbooks for more people than I can count.  I've crocheted things for friends.  I even recently redid a piece of furniture to suit my needs.  And I do it ALL FOR FREE because I love my friends.  Now if I could only find a way to get paid for it...

A few years ago I asked Chris if I could quit my job and become an event planner.  I'd start small with kid's birthday parties and stuff and then work my way up to weddings.  He then asked me if I was on serious drugs. :)

For what it's worth, I really do think I'd be good at it.  I just don't know if I could make a living out of it.

My friend Kelly owns her own business called FireWheel Tie Dye.  She tie dyes things and then sells them at Farmer's Markets and things.  She is fabulous!  I have 2 ombre dyed scarves from her and I wear them often.  I envy her. 

This is one of Kelly's beautiful ombre dyed scarves.  She's fabulous.  Check her out of Facebook at FireWheel Tie Dye.

There is a woman who lives near me who makes her living like this and as a blogger.  Her name is Beckie.  She doesn't know I even exist, but I read her blog religiously and love some of the things she comes up with.  Find her here at Infarrantly Creative.

Would I relocate for it?  Nope.  As much as I complain about Indiana weather, I do really like living here most of the time amongst family and friends.  Would I go back to school for it?  In a heartbeat!  If I could've gotten paid to go to college, I'd still be there.  I LOVE learning. 

How would it affect my ability to be a mother, wife, etc.?  I actually think it would have a positive impact on my parenting skills.  I would be working from home, so I could come and go as I pleased and have Jayna there with me.  When she goes to school, I'd be able to pick her up and drop her off and take her to various classes, events, etc.  I'd have more time to do household things since I'd automatically be there.  And it would be great for Jayna and Chris if I were doing what truly makes me happy.

Here is a random sampling of my creative life, past and present:

This is one of my more recent projects.  I needed a cabinet to house my bedroom television, computer and junk, but I also need it to be something I could sit at and use the computer.

This is what it looks like when you open it.  The printer shelf slides out to access the scanner and the top drawer hinges down so the keyboard can slide out to be used.  Thank you, dad and Chris for your help!!!

This is the inside of one of my baby books.  I have about 5 of these to finish up for various people.  I just need to DO IT!!  

First of all, sorry for how terrible I look in that picture.  That was the day we had to let go of Morgan.  I finished crocheting that cowl (THAT I LOVE BY THE WAY) to keep my mind off of it.  I hope KT's mom (or KT if she kept it) likes it!

Spiderman cupcake toppers for Chance's birthday.  They just sit on top of the icing.  They were way cute. :) 

Crocheted flower hair barrettes for Jayna's girl friends for Valentine's Day last year.  I STILL have people asking for more of those. 

Picture frame wreath for the front door at Christmas.  My mom and Aunt Mary and I made these.  Sorry for the terrible pic.  It was night, it was 10 degrees and I can say that I probably was taking it without shoes on. 

Homemade Christmas gifts:  The pink jar is salt and sugar peppermint foot scrub.  Totally organic.  The left one is vanilla brown sugar body scrub.  Again, totally organic.  And the little one is chocolate mint lip balm.  And it is also totally organic.  I still use ALL of these.  I'm on my third batch of brown sugar.  Soooo good for your skin. 

This is the first page of my 2012 Project Life album.  I love it.  And thank you Nancy at Purple Peaches for those AWESOME photos!!! 

I had an old canvas that had dimensional tape all over it that I couldn't peel off.  I couldn't bring myself to toss it, so I joint compounded over it and made it a painting.  I love it. And of course I love The Beatles. :) 

The tree in Jayna's room.  Although now the coral flowers are orange.  My JBird and her orange.  Orange this, orange that.  You'd think with her princess complex that she'd love pink.  Nope.  Orange it is.  I also painted them orange to match her new bedding. 

Fondant cows for Layla's first birthday.  I have never had more fun making something out of fondant.  I think they're pretty cute. :) 

Mickey Mouse Club House cupcakes.  Stars, gears and Mickey ears for Kaesyn's second birthday.  I loved this project too.

WOW!!  This entry is LONG!!  No wonder it took me 2 days to write it!  Good thing I only wrote about ONE of my dream jobs...

What do y'all want to do with yourselves in a perfect world?  Are you okay with your current job or do you yearn to do something completely different?

Now head on over to Michelle, Charlotte and Nancy and see what they want to do for a living!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I am so impressed by all that you do. You already know that. I love the desk. I could use some advice on refinishing furniture if you have any. I have an old chair that I would love to refinish and make new cushions for. Also, love the cowl. Can I get the pattern for that?