Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Life is just what happens to you...

...while your busy making other plans.

This is what happens to me.  I have ambitions.  I have plans.  I have...hell, I just have things that need to be done.  And it just doesn't. Get. Done.  What the hell, dude?!?

What happened?  Well, John Lennon tells me that LIFE happened.  And I've always taken him at his word before.  So I guess I will now too.  So here we go, in list form yet again:

The Little Chatterbox
Jayna has learned to talk.  She now has an arsenal of words (maybe 25) under her belt that she says often and a few others that she's working on.  This all began on Saturday and she's just taken off with it from there.  She can now distinguish between our two dogs.  She used to call them both collectively "Moe."  But now little Ollie finally has a name!!  That name?  Lollie.  Ha. 

The most awesome thing is when we put her to bed at night, she now says, "Love you!"  It's the cutest daggone thing that has ever happened to me.  Except for what happened this morning.  When I dropped her off at Summer's, she took my hand and led me to the front door.  I thought she was basically telling me to leave.  But then she closed the door and hugged me.  I told her, "Love you, Jayna." and she turned away from me.  I said, "Bye bye." and she began to fuss and cry.  She was trying to get me to stay.  Everytime I would stand up to leave, she'd fuss.  It was sad and cute at the same time. 

And I almost stayed.  Almost.  But that sets a precedent and I need money and therefore cannot afford to stay home everytime she says so. 

Death is Near
I have the worst cold I've had since before my kid was born.  It totally sucks.  I've had it since Saturday, but it didn't get too bad until Sunday night.  Monday was horrible, but Tuesday got a little better.  And now Wednesday is worse than Monday.  Yeah...diagram that paragraph, Mrs. Rhinesmith.

It is incredibly inconvenient to be sick when you have a young child.  I have three options when I'm sick...none of which I like.  I could just take Jayna to Summer's and go to work like always.  I could take Jayna to Summer's and then drive back home.  Or I could keep Jayna at home with me.  So...while I like staying home and keeping the kid with me, it isn't really conducive to me being sick which leads me to just take her to Summer's and go to work.  Because if I'm well enough to be at home with her all day, I should be well enough to go to work.  I could take her and go back home, but I'm already 75% of the way to work anyway and I'm already out of bed and moving.  So it's really just easier to get up and go to work.  Yuck.  That's a stupid option.

Let's Get Busy
January has been a pretty low key month.  Not alot of obligations.  I've loved it.  But I'm not really sure what to do with myself.  February and March hold more promise for keeping busy.  This weekend I have knitting class and a birthday party and the Superbowl.  Next weekend I have something planned for Friday night.  In March I'll be having a Stella and Dot party and a scrapbooking day.  Yay for having things to do!!  I also need to schedule a playdate with Troy, Katie and Tucker and then I need to find out if Katy M. and Michelle R. are available for dinner some weekend in the next couple of months.  I'm tired just thinking about it.

I Double Dog Dare You
When I was younger (you know, early- to mid-twenties), I dyed my hair all sorts of weird colors.  At one point it had streaks of blue, pink, purple, red and blond.  I worked for a summer camp at the time and the kids affectionately named me Rainbow Brite (with the help of my fellow counselors I'm sure, as kids that young shouldn't know who Rainbow Brite is).  I did this with no problem.  I am now contemplating dying my hair red (for real red...but only semi-permanent, like through 28 shampoos or something) and I am...scared.  What happened to me?  Did I get old?  Come on, faithful readers.  It's now your chance to tell me I'm not old.

What are y'all up to??


Michelle said...

Totally not too old!! Make it RED! Also, they sell something called "Ooops" that is supposed to take dye out of your hair. So, if it is hideous, there's always that. But, i'm sure it will look great! And really, what the eff do you care what people think anyway? Once i had a kid and even moreso when i turned 30, I stopped caring what people thought of me. You should too!! (I mean, to some extent. We don't want you walking around in sloppy track suits with your hair all a mess and crap on your shirt or antyhing.) And lastly, February 20, 27, or March 6.

Tiffany said...

You're definitely not old!

Laura said...

Dude, you're old. :P