Friday, April 23, 2010

Jayna at 20 Months

Of course, this post is late.  Jayna actually turned 20 months on Wednesday.  But Wednesday was a HORRID day and I don't like to post my monthly Jayna update on a bad day.  I don't want to remember just the bad things when I blog.  I want to be in a good mood so I can blog equally about the good moments and the bad moments. 

I went back and read my Jayna at 19 Months post and...same as always.  Lots of new stuff but also lots of extensions of old stuff.  Here goes:
  • Jayna can walk up and down stairs now.  She's still a little wobbly, but she really insists on doing it herself.  We generally let her go up by herself and still give her unwanted help on the way down.  Seems to be working for now. 
  • She can draw hearts.  I held her hand and taught her how about a week ago and now she's a pro!  She loves to color and draw.
  • When she's not coloring or drawing, she's playing outside.  Usually swinging.  Yes, still with the swinging.  She also rides her tricycle (no pedalling yet) and sweeps the patio for me.  That's a pretty cute one.
  • She talks like a pro.
  • She is learning her ABC's and her colors.  And doing quite well!
  • As you all know, we're dead center of tantrum age.  That one sucks.
  • She calls animal crackers "amal barkers."
  • She LOVES her daddy.
  • She named her penguin Pinky.  It's a pink penguin.
  • She rinses her mouth and spits after brushing her teeth, but only if she wants to.
  • She LOVES LOVES LOVES the zoo.  And lions.  And penguins.  And fish.  And elephants.
Just basic stuff that I can think of off the top of my head.  She doesn't go to the doc until 2 years old, so I don't know her height and weight.  I know that she's gotten quite a bit taller.  I don't have to roll her 2T pants anymore!

And, since there were no pics last month, here is a collage of the past 2 months for y'all.  I believe if you click on it, it will get bigger so's you can see those teeny pictures better.

This collage includes Easter (which she LOVED and still looks for Easter eggs at Chris' parents house), the zoo, tricycle riding, climbing, trying on new clothes (including her Easter dress), swinging, reading and gardening.  Isn't that picture with all the sticks so funny?  I want to title it "Shera-Princess of Power" or something. :)

Soon I'll be taking her to get her license...

1 comment:

Penny said...

She is amazing. As selfish as it is, I really wish one of my kids would have another baby. I just want another little one around so much! Your Mom is lucky to have Jayna. So are you!