Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Minor Clarification...

This clarification has to do with my last Five For Friday regarding things I've tried but just can't get on board with.  It has been brought to my attention that Twilight did not make the list.  There are reasons for this that I will now use to bore you to death.  Unless you're such a faithful reader that you care about the deepest depths of my screwed up mind.  Yeah...deepest depths.  This should be interesting, right?

I haven't even TRIED to read or watch Twilight.  The Five for Friday was a list of things that I've tried and can't deal with.  But since I've not even tried dealing with Twilight, it couldn't have rationally and/or logically made the list.

I refuse the Twilight hype...both the books and the movies...for a multitude of reasons.  I am apathetic about the two for separate reasons, but I'm opposed to both.  I don't like reading about/watching/learning about/cohorting with vampires.  Never have.  Not because I'm afraid of them or anything...I just think they're kind of...lame.  I've never liked anything associated with them short of a very old comedic movie with a young Jim Carrey in it.  And I only liked that because it was funny.  Like how she always bites off his buttons.

Anyhoo, I digress.  I love Stephen King and only got through about a third of Salem's Lot.  At one point in time I owned every movie with Tom Cruise in it (before he got weird, people) except for Interview with a Vampire.  I'm just not into it.

There are some of you out there saying, "But the Twilight books are sooo well written!!  Being a literary fanatic, you'd love them."  Ummm...no.  This is coming from the same person who did NOT read Harry Potter books.  I don't do children's fiction.  Yes, I said children.  A teenager is still a child.  I may change my mind when Jayna is older and I'm trying like hell to find something with which to connect with her.  But until then, I like to read classic literature or something that makes me think.  My favorite authors are Stephen King and Kurt Vonnegut.  They write adult books.  And they're very interesting to me.

There are some of you out there saying, "But the movies are such a looooovvve story.  It's sooo cute and sweet."  Ummm...no.  Not a big love story fan.  Again, I like movies that make me think.  I'm not a romcom fan or a sappy love story fan.  I have a very select few romcoms that I watch if they are on television and I'm bored.  This doesn't happen very often.

There are some of you out there saying, "But once you start reading/watching Twilight, you won't be able to stop!!"  Ummm...no.  Look, people...I can't invest myself into anything else right now.  I've been trying to read The Stand for, like, 3 months and am not even halfway through it.  I have about 7 different shows with atleast 2 episodes each of DVR'd material.  I can't commit to something else.  Not now.  Maybe not ever.  Who knows...

There are some of you out there saying, "But don't you think Edward Cullen is soooo freakin' hot?!?"  Ummm...no.  He's just not my type.  Y'all know my husband.  He's not a vampire who'll drink my blood when I'm asleep.  I know, I know...Edward is a vegetarian vampire.  Neato.

So, that's what is up with me and Twilight.  Anymore questions?  It's nothing personal.  I know there are a jillion people out there who love it and think it's the most wonderful thing.  I'm just not one of them.

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