Thursday, March 25, 2010

Five For Friday Catch Up Edition: Under the Wing

I know, right??  TWO Five for Fridays in TWO days...and neither day is actually Friday!!  I'm wild and crazy that way.

I don't really have lots of role models.  I think you outgrow role models, right?  Am I right?  Or crazy?  Or both?  Well, I know the answer isn't neither.  Anyhoo, when I was young, I loved loved loved Andrea from 90210 (I know...the whiny girl), Amanda from Melrose Place (I know...the mean girl) and then later, Ally McBeal (I know...the crazy girl).  I had some very upstanding role models as you can see from that stellar list.  I also wanted to be like my calculus teacher Mrs. Gaerte.  She was very smart and had an awesome family and seemed to have her shit together.  And after all that, I grew up and became cynical.  But now I think I could learn a thing or two from a role model.

So, today's Five for Friday is very affectionately titled "Awesome Ladies, Take Me Under Your Wing, Please" (it's a working title).
  1. Paula Deen.  I love this woman and am not afraid to say out loud that I wish she were my grandmother.  I can just imagine (very vividly, mind you) sitting in her kitchen drinking wine and listening to crazy stories of her childhood.  And then eating all of that amazing food.  I love you, Granny...err, Paula.
  2. The Pioneer Woman.  I live in the city.  I've always thought it would be sooo wonderful to live in the country, like on a farm or something, and be one with nature.  Ree shows, through her very anecdotal and real life stories, that living on a ranch is not just fun and games.  You actually have to do work!!  Ree is beautiful and funny and a wonderful writer and an awesome cook.  She makes me laugh and cry and paints a positive picture of homeschooling...something that I was always a little weary about.  I'd like to go spend a few weeks with her and learn a thing or two about life.
  3. Jennifer Garner.  She's beautiful.  She's a mom.  She's respectful and private.  She's a delightful actress.  She does it all.  She doesn't make an ass out of herself and you rarely see her in tabloids or even in respectable magazines.  She is tasteful in everything she does.  I think more than being taken under her wing, I'd just like to BE her when I grow up.  I wanted to be Sydney Bristow when I was 21. :)  She's an amazing woman and she could teach me a thing or two, I'm sure.
  4. Ellen Degeneres.  I know, weird.  I love Ellen's sense of humor.  She can find funny in anything and she's a...well, a guy's guy.  I hope you know what I mean by that.  I feel like I could see her in a bar and just go sit down next to her and have a conversation with her...and she'd be totally cool with that!!  And she could give me some dancing pointers.
  5. Hillary Clinton.  Please don't stop reading my blog!!  I really, really, REALLY wanted her to be President.  Her personal life is a mess, no doubt, but she could probably teach me everything I ever wanted to know about politics.  And revenge.  :)  I admire her because, in the face of everything that happened when Bill was president, she's perservered through it all.  She has pushed herself to become a very notable and intelligent figure in the world.  I'd be happy to learn some things from her...including how to forgive.
Who do you admire?

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